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VG Test


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Aim still contributes to power and crit which increases our damage output.


I use dps gear with my shield spec w/Energy Blast but it still does no where near to the damage the AS VG's put out. It's the reason I did the tree evaluations. To open myself to other specs and to find out the pros and cons of the other specs against shield spec.


The one definite thing that shield spec surpasses both dps specs on is survivability and mobility. The dps specs add damage, yes, but are at their peak at melee range, which when your on the enemy healer makes you a primary target for their ranged players. I solo queue and don't really have a pocket healer handy.


Now for tactics last night, it was a breeze keeping on a single target but this spec isn't well suited for melee. One defensive 25% damage reduction for 12 secs on a 2 min CD isn't enough. Being full melee forces you to be at the mercy of their range and designated peelers when on their healers and we just don't have the defensive cd's to support that role. I think other melee are just better equipped than we are. A lot of times I am back at spawn before I get the stacks to 5. Tactics didn't go well last night for me but it I think it was slightly due to group makeup and lack of heals.


Im running NORSE, i have been doing my best to LOS utilizing the speed buffs, also its quite easy to run and gun (within 10 m) against assassins, jugs, mars etc. Jumping off stuff and what not. also harpoon first,g et your stacks, you shouldn't be too dead yet, and then go in.

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Yea. Think it was group make up yesterday and the players in all honesty because there weren't really anyone else on that healer besides me as I was going in solo amongst their range group resulting in a quick trip back to the respawn point. I haven't given up hope. It is a really fun spec and I intend on playing this dps spec till wed and then giving NORSE a try till the weekend. Edited by ATango
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Last night went a lot better. Had healers on our side and played more of a defensive offensive support role. Did well against an operative that jumped me 3 times on west defense in CW. Haven't figured out a strat against marauders and juggs yet but the encounters I had with them they managed to jump me with my cc break on CD. Snipers still punish me but they pump out more dps than me anyway. Huttball games hurt me the most as far as damage output was concerned but still maintained a good support role running the ball through inactive fire traps uninterrupted.


I couldn't help myself but I had to test the HtL buff through the acid pit. Was still slowed :(. I found the speed boost from HtL useful while running between cap points. I still found it hard to fit in PC's and having a hard time keeping track of the stacks but I guess that will become second nature the more familiar I get with the spec. Need to be proactive with HtL sometimes while using PC as the knockbacks will interrupt the cast and stuns can too.


Tactics, the more I play it, the more I like it.

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Last night went a lot better. Had healers on our side and played more of a defensive offensive support role. Did well against an operative that jumped me 3 times on west defense in CW. Haven't figured out a strat against marauders and juggs yet but the encounters I had with them they managed to jump me with my cc break on CD. Snipers still punish me but they pump out more dps than me anyway. Huttball games hurt me the most as far as damage output was concerned but still maintained a good support role running the ball through inactive fire traps uninterrupted.


I couldn't help myself but I had to test the HtL buff through the acid pit. Was still slowed :(. I found the speed boost from HtL useful while running between cap points. I still found it hard to fit in PC's and having a hard time keeping track of the stacks but I guess that will become second nature the more familiar I get with the spec. Need to be proactive with HtL sometimes while using PC as the knockbacks will interrupt the cast and stuns can too.


Tactics, the more I play it, the more I like it.


Snipers will always be an issue. I los them force them to move than grapple. It's a tough fight. Welcome to the growing pains of one of the most dynamic classes out there. Learning when to use PC and how to set it up is a big step. I got fried last night by a tactics guy who unloaded his PGPC and I didn't get out of it fast enough. Haha.

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Greetings Troopers,


This has been an excellent conversation about playing with different Vanguard builds. Thanks, ATango, for experimenting and reporting back to the Trooper community, and thank you to the rest for contributing to the discussion. We always appreciate this kind of constructive feedback!


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Greetings Troopers,


This has been an excellent conversation about playing with different Vanguard builds. Thanks, ATango, for experimenting and reporting back to the Trooper community, and thank you to the rest for contributing to the discussion. We always appreciate this kind of constructive feedback!



Appreciated too! Even before I bought the game I had my eyes on the trooper class. Something about it appealed to me and when I looked through the trees and the Shield Specialist stuck out like a sore thumb due to storm and being a tank spec. Due to the fact that I levelled with that spec I always had "cold feet" to approach the other trees and finally decided to break out of the shell and explore the other trees. I thought that if I had this fear of breaking out of the spec that I levelled with and comfortable with it would make sense to share my opinions and the various situations I used different abilities so that other players will know the pros and cons and when to use certain abilities to aid them in the event they want to break out of their shell. Can't thank a lot of the other contributors enough because at this point I like Tactics more than AS.


Snipers will always be an issue. I los them force them to move than grapple. It's a tough fight. Welcome to the growing pains of one of the most dynamic classes out there. Learning when to use PC and how to set it up is a big step. I got fried last night by a tactics guy who unloaded his PGPC and I didn't get out of it fast enough. Haha.


Went at both an imp sniper and a gunslinger in mid control in huttball in 2 different games. They weren't initially focused on me so I had the start advantage. Popped cd's, HtL and started going at them. Of course they did their knockback and guess what, nothing happened, I was still at their face ion pulsing away. Honestly, I smiled. Yea, u expected me to go somewhere? The sniper was at around 30% before they did the knockback and didn't do anything after that point, I guess they were typing something like, wait, your resolve bar wasn't full and "You shouldn't be here". I use PC around every 45 secs at least, after the Neural Surge. This spec will rock when PG slow becomes active.

Edited by ATango
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Went at both an imp sniper and a gunslinger in mid control in huttball in 2 different games. They weren't initially focused on me so I had the start advantage. Popped cd's, HtL and started going at them. Of course they did their knockback and guess what, nothing happened, I was still at their face ion pulsing away. Honestly, I smiled. Yea, u expected me to go somewhere? The sniper was at around 30% before they did the knockback and didn't do anything after that point, I guess they were typing something like, wait, your resolve bar wasn't full and "You shouldn't be here". I use PC around every 45 secs at least, after the Neural Surge. This spec will rock when PG slow becomes active.



HtL is so much fun against ranged KB's. Haha! yeah, I wish your PG slow worked, and yet as a BH when I run into a PGPC I am glad it doesn't haha.

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