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VO in other languages


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The cost of this game was a large investment, and I believe BW spent too much on expenses that should have been covered by others for their own interests and that being VO in other languages.


The point first being is that BW as a single player game is great, and the heroics/Flash pionts as well, but overall the MMO set up, and end game is not well developed, but if BW had more money to develop other content to include pazaak, swoop racing,swimming, open world design for MMOs, more warzones, more ops etc... at release then these other countries would cover the costs themselves for a greater, and really great product with just those extra MMO necessities.


If these countries don't cover the costs and do not do VO for themselves, then they can still get subtitles, but we all get a greater game. Besides most of the world speaks English so it was never worth BW carrying the cost of such an investment which really hurt the MMO potential of swtor at release, and ultimately limited the funds for a better developed MMO experience.


For example movies and series when dubbed are done by foreign countries and not by the producer of the media.


Its beating a dead horse, I know. However, if there is a lesson learnt here, they spread their funds badly affecting the release of a greater product.


For example Tera, the MMO, was first released in asia, then to an English/European and North American audience. So that goes to show that when developing for other markets, first perfect your own market with the limited funds and then expand to other regions while still improving the game. But, imo, even learning from Tera, and other similar business strategies, VO should never be done in other languages at the cost of the developers but only offer transcripts to translate or already translated subtitles.

Edited by VegaPhone
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