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Legacy Crew system


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Would it be possible to create something as a Legacy Crew Skills System so we could send our alts companions in missions without the need to login the char ? Atm I have 3 chars with companions and with the loading times taking 1/2 minutes when I get back to my first char I don't even have time to queue and do a WZ before I need to do the same all over again.


Figures when I get more chars with companions I could be loading/send companions in missions rotating through all the characters and when I returned to my first it would be ready to send companions back again.


If we could do it without changing char would be nice, since your looooooooooooooooooooooong loading times are the responsible for all the delay.

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Could be a neat addition to Legacy. :) I would be inclined to say it should be restricted to same faction companions though, just because it would make more sense from a story point of view. But if all of our characters are meant to be related in some fashion, there's not really any reason one character couldn't relay a message to another character's companion or however they wanted to phrase it.
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I'm in favor of this, not only for legacy but possibly tied to guild resources or maybe as a game wide work-for-hire system.


  1. Provide a shared cargo hold for crafting mats.
  2. Tradeable mats and results can be designated from/to personal inventory or the shared hold. You could not however use mats from the companion owner's account.
  3. Missions for a given companion would be limited by the owner's skills.
  4. Owners would have the option to de/list companions for hire when on/offline and to legacy/guild/public to avoid having companions tied up by other players.
  5. Owners could set a fixed or percentage based commission fee, paid by the sender.
  6. Small, like 5% broker fee goes to Bioware for the convenience.
  7. Owner earns skill ups, not the sender.
  8. Players can view the status of missions they've commissioned and what their companions are working on.
  9. Players may cancel a job commissioned by another player, but at a steep penalty. Requester gets a full refund. Player forfeits seconds spent on the job x2 in credits.

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I'm in favor of this, not only for legacy but possibly tied to guild resources or maybe as a game wide work-for-hire system.


  1. Provide a shared cargo hold for crafting mats.
  2. Tradeable mats and results can be designated from/to personal inventory or the shared hold. You could not however use mats from the companion owner's account.
  3. Missions for a given companion would be limited by the owner's skills.
  4. Owners would have the option to de/list companions for hire when on/offline and to legacy/guild/public to avoid having companions tied up by other players.
  5. Owners could set a fixed or percentage based commission fee, paid by the sender.
  6. Small, like 5% broker fee goes to Bioware for the convenience.
  7. Owner earns skill ups, not the sender.
  8. Players can view the status of missions they've commissioned and what their companions are working on.
  9. Players may cancel a job commissioned by another player, but at a steep penalty. Requester gets a full refund. Player forfeits seconds spent on the job x2 in credits.


wow...... too elaborated :p the ideas are good, but I just want the system as it is now, without the need to login and logout 8 times to be able to make all your companions work. Small steps :p first, improve the problems and keep what we already have. Just something like a drop box to select the chat when we open the crew window would do

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wow...... too elaborated :p the ideas are good, but I just want the system as it is now, without the need to login and logout 8 times to be able to make all your companions work.


Easier said than done. Devil's in the details as they say. Most of the details I listed would need to be considered even if just for legacy... like where do the mats come from... where do the results go... what about no-trade stuff... how do you view progress without changing toons... what if u change toons and a companion is busy?


IMO it would be only marginally more effort to make these options available for guild and public work-for-hire.

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