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Good luck to you all


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Boys and girls,

another so called "casual" is signing off for good - just reading that http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/117159-EA-Blames-Casuals-For-Falling-Old-Republic-Subscriber-Numbers

pissed me off so bad that I decided my hard earned cash is not going to go to EAs bank accounts anytime soon. Considering I had almost 400hours played after the first 2 month all I can say, clearly I am not hardcore enuff for this game - or and thats quite possible too those tossers at EA actually got no clue about gamers and why would they? ...........ooo they sell computer games....**** yea hm....too bad


best of luck to whoever stays arround hope for all of you they gona be merging servers soon, those 30ppl on IF on primetime gone get really lonely soon otherwise




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What... are... you.. talking... about? Seriously, which part made you conclude that you "aren't hardcore enough" for SWTOR?


Is it because of this part: "...it reaches out much past the hardcore MMO fan base into the broader market."? Y-yeah! It did reach out past the hardcore MMO fan base. I read posts about "SWTOR is my 1st mmo" and talked to other gamers in game who told SWTOR was actually their 1st mmo!


Wait a minute, are you talking about "And as the service evolves from here, what we're seeing is that some of the initial casual customers have gone through a billing cycle and decided not to subscribe to the game."? Errr yeah! That's the truth, I even know some of them irl! Not all of them, some, yeah just some... you know... some.


You really have to explain your reasoning. Oh please, explain it, I beg you. This will be so interesting to read.


Brb, I go bang my head into the wall...

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Hello everyone,


We appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts and concerns, but will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion. We encourage you to make threads or join in on discussions about specific game-related topics if you like and wish you the best.

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