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Stories based around individual players


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Well personally..i dislike watching people doing the same quest i'm on , i like to immerse myself into games/roles..watching 20 people do the same quest kinda bugs me i suppose it falls under the category of pet peeve..


Personally i think it'd be nice if there was some way for each player to have their own story, not based around their class which all of those of the same class follows.


I don't think its possible.. i know that in CoH(V) they had it so that when you did an action that it took effect by removing the NPC that you cleared through a mission..would be nice if that occured in ToR..though the walk back would be much less interesting..though admiring the changes when you came back to the area later..would be nice.(as far as i know it doesn't occur)


though i so far like ToR i liked KoToR though i've yet to see swoop racing or ingame Pazaak -which i think would be good idea for players to be able to play/participate in them.(though i'm new may of missed it) too but that's off track-


I know some people know what i mean by watching lots of people do the same quests , go kill the same boss 12 or so times, throw a bomb into a pipe and it respawns before you are out of eye sight would be nice if the world were a bit more dynamic..though i don't think that it would be possible.


but maybe there could be some form of story generator on your ship perhaps in the captains room, you could go in , and from time to time , there'd be a short story thats specifically designed for your character . maybe based on a list of preferences I for one like fighting npc 2-3 lvls higher then me (until i come across one rated 'champion') ..I'm a consular so it'd be nice if there were more..missions generated to be like a diplomatic envoy and actually 'negotiate' on behalf of people. fightings nice but sometimes the use of brain over bronze would be a nice change. maybe more quests that involve puzzles -while annoying- finding datacrons i think so far is the most amusing thing because some of them take a lot of effort to reach <.< the second one i tried to get nearly killed me 9 or so times..from falling..though i tried over 30 -.- ..right off the topic..rant..


i've only started playing ..sometimes last week, i've since upgraded from the trial ..and i like the game , and i know that the odds of there being quests/missions individually generated/created/tailored to individual players to give them a truly unique story line for them , that only they do.. would be nice..not to say they can't share it with someone just.. not 20 people going to the same NPC recieving the same quest in the same area o.o


-ceases the long unlikely to be read post-


note- i've not explored the entirety of the game since i've only played totaly..maybe 8 days..(most of which were spent on the trial, it wasn't till today i was able to go past Coruscant)

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