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Character Classes Timeline


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Good Evening Everyone,


I was trying to find a galactic timeline of all the classes we can play as? I'm pritty sure all of our different classes' quests did not happen right at the same time and it taking 2 months to become say a slave to Dark Lord of the Sith? I have done an initial search in this forum, google, and even watched Master Gnost's youtube timeline video.


Wookiepedia also has the level 50 bosses deaths at 3,654 BBY. Anymore assistance would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Edited by LordCafricanus
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Why does this question (or some close variant of it) get asked at least once a week? *sigh*


The class storylines occur roughly concurrently with the order of the storylines changing on a essentially a planet by planet basis. The exact length of time of any series of events that occurs during the game is currently unknown as there are very few (if any) indicators of the length of the passage of time. Additonally almost every class has an undefined time period between chapters that could be a few days or a few years.


Trying to make a timeline on the order of the events would be a complete nightmare since many planetary class quests exist in a void with no links to any events in other class storylines. Only tiny snippets can really be gathered and they are nowhere near complete enough to build the order events happen, much less a timeline.

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Well all I can tell for certain is:



The end of the smuggler chapter 1 happens 6 months before the middle of the Imperial Agent chapter 3, while chapter 1 of the Imperial Agent happens at some point prior to chapter 1 of the smuggler, meanwhile the end of the Sith Warrior story takes place before the end of the Sith Inquisitor as Darth Thanathon was present on the Dark Council during the final scene


Edited by Andronicos
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