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Server Transfers


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Hello danielhajji,


Here is some information from Dallas Dickinson regarding server transfers from a recent Weekly Q&A:


Arymono: When will character transfers be available for everybody?


Dallas Dickinson (Senior Producer, Live Services): We will be rolling out our Character Transfer Service in early summer. First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice. We know everyone has more questions about character transfer, and we’ll reveal more details closer to the launch date.


Additionally, we already have a previously existing topic regarding the announcement of character transfers, here:

If you have any thoughts or feedback regarding server transfers, please use the above thread as we will be closing this one to help keep discussion consolidated and our forums better organized.


Thank you!

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