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Immersion breaking constructive thoughts


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Some things are immersion breaking IMO


  • Flashpoint/Operation quests which are evenly spread around the Fleet station near Vendors and Trainers (also relatively poor layout and use of the Fleet Station in general (npc and the additional areas beside the vendor/training hub))
  • Lack of NPC in general on the Fleet which you can a) get quests from, b) interact with beyond vendors
  • Cantina's are very boring and just another visit in the virtual theme-park (can't you give some NPC off-key conversation interaction, like perhaps where you have to coax topics out of them, or, where you can maybe buy information relating to Craft or Gathering Quest, BH, Shady Quests, Shady Merchants Quest etc.
  • NPC's in the Planets are completely static and mostly not very well imagined - RE VAMP Planet Populations
  • Codex Entry to account for all Quests available in each Planet/Instance (you could think you might be 'done' when really there are quests left to be finished)
  • Story-themed 'important' areas relating to story-line quest POST-50. What is the point of going to Coruscant at 50?? What good is General Garzak when you can't go talk to her? The 'amazing' Coruscant is so boring, you simply stroll through it once or twice then your done. Other Areas include Jedi-Temple on Tython, Libraries etc. These areas need to be MORE important progression-hubs in some way or another.
  • Spaceship is loney and boring. This really needs to be expanded in some way or another, perhpas Guild Capitol ship or something. I MUST be together with my crew when travelling across the Galaxy (and not just my companions).
  • Stun-Wars , nuff said tone down CC pls
  • Empty instances and Empty servers - this poor situation doesn't help things at all




  • More Social Quest
  • REAMP lightside/darkside mechanic relevance

Edited by WLpride
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So.... You want a completely different game then? lol


Well no, I don't want to change what's already here, except maybe PvP which is slated for revamp already, and additions. I don't want to change the Voice-Acting or the storys, but I want to add extra and perhaps even a bit of randomization and a social element to the non-story-quest dialogs. For example, in a typical encounter with a quest npc, you may have a harder time to coax the correct 'answer' out of him/her/it.


Some of the 'regular' mobs I see in the world could use some general facelifting, even some renaming and more lore-inclusion. I love it when there is 'more' quests', not repeatable grindy non-sense.

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WLpride;4360642]Some things are immersion breaking IMO



[*]Spaceship is loney and boring. This really needs to be expanded in some way or another, perhpas Guild Capitol ship or something. I MUST be together with my crew when travelling across the Galaxy (and not just my companions).


With regard to your ship you do know you can group with your friends and they can come on your ship and even travel with you to another planet or even to a quest. The only thing that happens when you log off (if you are not doing a quest) is that they will go back to the starport where their ship is.

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With regard to your ship you do know you can group with your friends and they can come on your ship and even travel with you to another planet or even to a quest. The only thing that happens when you log off (if you are not doing a quest) is that they will go back to the starport where their ship is.

Oh, actually I didn't realize that, but now it makes sense. Thanks

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