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so going on week 3 is it?


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i'm not sure, i lost count.


but i know i'm not happy with the way BW is running their updates now, you secretly give us a major debuff in survivability, that or you have some lazy update-posters and they left out that hefty bit of information.


also glad to see you're just pretending nothing happened and going on with business, but oh wait, you guys are losing money. you've lost a big amount of profit within the last 2 months. any ideas why? probably got something to do with customer service.


then again, EA pushed you guys to release this game a year earlier than you originally wanted. so got it. its not your fault entirely and the blame should mostly be sent towards EA for caring more about money and deadlines than a smooth running game, well look where it got them.




-so yes, we're dying much faster in pvp than we should


-assault spec isnt worth the trouble, more mobility but all it gets you is time to dance around before you inevitably die.


-love gunnery's burst, but rarely get to experience it unless the enemy doesnt realize you're there attacking them.


-someone made a good point in a previous post- 2 commandos guarding a turret get attacked by an assassin and 1

would have died if they didnt get emergency heals from the other dps commando. now try a commando attacking 2 assassins and you're so angry that the fight didnt last longer than 5 seconds.


-one could argue that we're unique because of our dps/healing abilities, yeah right the heals are worthless unless specced for it.


-lack of interupts, and lack of non-interuptable attacks.


its really late while i'm posting this so my arguement could be loads better. but i just want more people to post their complaints so maybe BW will get the picture and atleast release something stating that they know the problem is there and theyre trying to fix it or something, otherwise 1 more week and i'm unsubbing like the majority and further contributing to the downfall of this game.


but let's get real, i've probably crossed a boundry because i (along with the rest of us) am not interested in reading the rules. and this post will probably get deleted along with my ability to use the forums, but i'll feel good cuz atleast 1 person will have had to read it to deem it non-forum-worthy

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i'm not sure, i lost count.


but i know i'm not happy with the way BW is running their updates now, you secretly give us a major debuff in survivability, that or you have some lazy update-posters and they left out that hefty bit of information.


also glad to see you're just pretending nothing happened and going on with business, but oh wait, you guys are losing money. you've lost a big amount of profit within the last 2 months. any ideas why? probably got something to do with customer service.


then again, EA pushed you guys to release this game a year earlier than you originally wanted. so got it. its not your fault entirely and the blame should mostly be sent towards EA for caring more about money and deadlines than a smooth running game, well look where it got them.




-so yes, we're dying much faster in pvp than we should


-assault spec isnt worth the trouble, more mobility but all it gets you is time to dance around before you inevitably die.


-love gunnery's burst, but rarely get to experience it unless the enemy doesnt realize you're there attacking them.


-someone made a good point in a previous post- 2 commandos guarding a turret get attacked by an assassin and 1

would have died if they didnt get emergency heals from the other dps commando. now try a commando attacking 2 assassins and you're so angry that the fight didnt last longer than 5 seconds.


-one could argue that we're unique because of our dps/healing abilities, yeah right the heals are worthless unless specced for it.


-lack of interupts, and lack of non-interuptable attacks.


its really late while i'm posting this so my arguement could be loads better. but i just want more people to post their complaints so maybe BW will get the picture and atleast release something stating that they know the problem is there and theyre trying to fix it or something, otherwise 1 more week and i'm unsubbing like the majority and further contributing to the downfall of this game.


but let's get real, i've probably crossed a boundry because i (along with the rest of us) am not interested in reading the rules. and this post will probably get deleted along with my ability to use the forums, but i'll feel good cuz atleast 1 person will have had to read it to deem it non-forum-worthy


My complaint is how after reading the forums i went on too think Commandos would be ok and i should have went van guard :p

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Miss my commando greatly. But I won't back to the game anyway even if they fix something. I'll explain why. After playing Gunslinger i realized that BW won't be able to change something in commando that could make him the half useful as gunslingers are. Commando need FULL redesign but i'm sure BW won't bother themselves doing it.


So, i'm quit.

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