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New Maruader pvp help


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Hi. I realize the forums are probably not a good place to go for advice. 1. I am pretty new tot he game (2 weeks) 2. This is only the second class I have played (other was Sith Asassain)


My Marauder is only level 20. My assassin is lvl 30. With my assassin I enjoyed pvp immensely, I often found myself doing around 150k damage which was not too bad for low level PVP. However with my Marauder I am lucky to eek out 50k in a BG. I realize that I probably suck at it, which is why I am here asking for advise.


I think one of the problems is that people can always see me coming and I am up front, so I generally get ********ed allot from the start. Secondly, I am not really sure about what to do in terms of hotkey rotations. I read on the boards about keeping bleeds up, etc... but I only have rupture right now which is on a 15s cd and doesnt seem to do much damage. Ravage does about the same damage as my assasain's backstab (which was spammable), but Ravage is on a 27s CD and you have to stand still while channeling it and hope the target doesn't move or I dont get interrupted, which is rarely the case.


That leaves me starting off with Crippling Slash, Battering assault and them spamming Vicious Slash which is doesn't seem to do much. Since it takes 3 gcd's to get one off (after doing the other 2 things) a fight can be halfway over before I have the rage to start doing any damage.


I realize that things will probably change by the time im 50 but does anyone have any low level advise for playing Marauder in PVP? PVE is fine.


Also what classes should I focus on in terms of targets?

Edited by shangobah
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