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24/0/17 An awesome overlooked PvP spec?


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instant force lift is huge IMO, I'd say 24/0/17 is the best spec, if you want to win


My personal favorite passtime now is intercepting multiple defense-responders in Novare Coast, making them sit CCed or fight me away from the node they want to get to in order to protect it.

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... but as far as I can see it appears to be a hidden gem still. ...


Um…it's like the oldest of oldies, really. (Not counting deep into Beta)


Used to be, Force Strike talent over in Balance worked without any requirement of Force Technique…which made it extremely powerful for all sorts of hybrid specs. So, pretty much THE pvp spec was 23 in Kinetic, then grab Force Strike and all the other goodies along the way. The main variation argument was whether or not to take Containment, or put a couple points into Infiltration Tactics to have yet another cheap burst ability. (Personally, I liked IT.)


So, when Force Strike essentially got banned in the earlier rounds of class balancing, the natural reaction of most was to keep playing the same spec without Force Strike…which is exactly what we're talking about now.


The result was, coming off the powerful spec everyone was used to, hardly anyone was happy with it. It felt like a "jack of all trades but master of none" since it no longer had burst and sustained damage that was truly competitive with dps specs and it wasn't truely competive for dedicated tanking jobs either. The same patch also buffed pure specs, so most people either decided going more specialized with one of the pure specs was more effective or they just quit playing the class for something better.


The spec is still probably the best all around one we have, but again - master of none. Its strength is dueling people. But, we have to look at things in the lens of actual WZ roles and jobs. For every job you might have it do, there's several other specs/classes that are better suited, including one of 3 pure specs in nearly every case. Its best use ends up being just solo pugging without much teammate cooperation. Being 2nd best at everything isn't necessarily a terrible gig though, and it can at least contribute effectively in nearly every situation.

Edited by Boarg
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as long as you know u are not a pure DPS dont expect to out DPS a pure DPS class (and expect to have some trouble killing a healer that know what he is doing)


instant force lift is huge but it heals the target :p so to use with brain

Edited by Pekish
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