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My reasons for quiting


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First let me say that I had a great time with the game. You guys did a lot of things right. They weren't perfect but the game was enjoyable.


Now reasons for me leaving.


1. Population.

X-groupfinders/X-warzones will not fix this issue. The servers will still be dead, no sense of community. I can't understand why there is such a lack of urgency on the population issue. My server is consider "mid tier" as far as population goes, and at peak hours there are only 20-30 people in the fleet? Really? I can't imagine how bad it is for the light populated servers. Yet you guys do nothing. Not even acknowledging this issue on the forums. At least throw us a bone and tell us that you are aware and working on a solution.


2. 1.2 class/pvp changes

Look I'm fine with buffs/nerfs, this is after all a MMO. What I'm not fine with is the amounts of changes there were. Make small tweaks here and there every patch. You destroyed Merc's arsenal spec and Sages was hit with the nerf bat a little too hard. Drastic changes with little testing = disaster.


People cried for nerfs against good players. But they will adapt to changes, the ones that hurt the most is the casual gamers. After 1.2 changes, the only Mercs and Sages that are still around are the ones that were dominating pre 1.2. All the casual stopped playing the class or flat out quit. Which in turn hurts the population.


3. Expertise change

This was a terrible move. What you did was cause a rift between pvers and pvpers. Since the change, I find no reason to ever raid. I'm a pvper, and I used to raid to get Pve gear to mix and match with my pvp gear. Yes I felt pressure to raid but it was a nice change of pace, and it gave me something different to do in the game. Now the pvpers pvp all day, and the pvers are having hard time finding fillers to join their raid group. Which causes them to quit the game. With their departure pvp que slows down, economy plunges, and ect ect. It's a domino effect.


There are tons of other things wrong with expertise, that i won't go into, but let me say this, It wasn't broken before... why change it? patch 1.2 really mess a lot things up.


4. Lack of customer support


ticket goes days without answers, Bioware doesn't communicate with us enough, and the Q and A is a joke. Seems like they go through the list and pick the questions they want to answer instead of the more popular questions that flood the thread.



There's probably tons of typos but whatever it's 3 am. Later guys and I hope my leaving and the leaving of others like minded individuals like myself will get Bioware to get their act together and do something about it. It's a great game and I hope that one day you all can see 150 + on the fleet.


- Peace


Server - Krath

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