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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

20% chance for research scematic? ...LOL?!


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I get 20%. Long streaks of not getting a hit are made up for by streaks of getting 3 schematics in 3 RE's. You can't look at a small sample size and say it's broken.


Every time you RE, you have 1 chance in 5 of getting a schematic. Each one is independent. If you have any d20's laying around (c'mon, you know you do) or if you have a knack with Excel and can make a RNG, roll and track 1000 die rolls and see how many come out a 1 through 4. It should be pretty close to 20%, give or take a few percentile.


I've not seen any evidence to the contrary of the 20% chance not really being 20%.


Crafted seventy items yesterday and got a schematic with the last one. Crafted 80 items a week ago, no schematic. Took me another eleven the next day to get one. And i never had a streak by getting 3 schematics in 3 RE's. I even never had 2 schematics in 5 RE's. As for me, the chance is not 1 in 5, it's 1 in 15 at best, and that is simply unacceptable when it states 1 in 5.

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