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Some of my ideas


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I have played SWTOR since launch, left for a month due to finances then came back. I love how BIOWARE has reinvented the story driven game. But as most of us realize, crafting is subpar at best. BIOWARE please take the time to look at the crafting system in LOTRO. Im not saying copy it, but use it as inspiration. The best armor, weapons and such are all player made. The ingredients still require you to raid for them, and you can level your weapon through a point system in place. Crafters are needed to "reforge" your weapons into something better. And they have a guild system in place for crafters that takes time to advance in ranks, but you can learn special recipies to craft. It is not a free for all crafting system. The really good equipment has lockout timers to prevent you flooding the market with items. the point syastem also allows some individuality in what each weapon does. Star Wars lore is full of characters who have customized thier weapons or paid someone to do it. Also the ability to craft NO DROP items for other players in a window so it is bound to the player requesting it would be nice. EQ2 has a system for that. With all the leagcy stuff you are doing what could be more legacy than epic crafted weapons and armor that is passed down. Also as you level you kind of outgrow your epic weapon as you become more proficient with it. This makes replacing weapons throughout the game a must. Just a few ideas to think about.
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I reposted this thread here because i realized it belonged here and not in the crafters forum. One other suggestion I would like to add or actually comment on. I play on a pve server, why is the focus still towards pvp. I mis the days when pvp and pve were seperate. I do not like pvp never had and never will, please stop forcing pvp on players who do not pvp. And what I mean by forcing it is why is it an option on pve servers? It seems it is all anyone left on this game cares about. Games like Modern Warfare and Call of Duty have ruined the gamming industry IMO. What I mean by that is because these game have been so popular on consoles everyone seems to trying to capture some of those dollars. I hated wow because of the pvp mechanic, I left eq2 after almost 7 years of play because they started to focus on their version of the WoW battleground, then I come to SWTOR and find the same thing. Trying to combine both worlds is one reason why MMO's are failing. I love that BIOWARE had brought storytelling back to MMO's. But the pvp stuff has go to go back where it belongs... on pvp servers not part of pve servers. This whole game seems to be about racing to 50 then pvping even on pve servers. Finding people who dont want to pvp seems to be almost impossible. Am I the only one who feels this way, or are there others who would like to raid and quest together and doo all the other fun things in this game other than pvp?
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Well Firstly, paragraphs are a must.


Secondly, whats so bad about having PVP as an option on PVE servers? I enjoy a good few warzones to take a break from missions and other content.


Thirdly, i think bioware should add some new stuff to crafting to make it worthwhile at 50, as it is now artifice is only worth doing for the relics and augmented sabers.

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