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Do your characters all look alike?


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Mine all look basically the same. I have one SIth, one cyborg, the rest human, and my sith doesn't have the facial *******s either. And there's only like 3 hairstyles I like.


I feel crappy about it cuz i'm not diversifying my characters much, but hey, I'm playing for me right? It's not a beauty contest.

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Wouldn't worry about it.


On my first server I had a Sith Warrior and Rattataki Sorc. At the moment I'm playing all humans. /shrug

Currently romancing Ashara so I guess my companions fulfill my interaction with alien species. :D

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I've got one of almost every race available from the start, but eventually I ended up making the same/similar faces as I remade my alts. Especially with so many parts all locked together so there were no complete package options that I liked, there were always some that I disliked more than I liked, sigh.


There isn't much in terms of customization options when it comes to character creation. then again, BioWare has always sucked at character creators anyways. They confuse preset selector with character creator, two different things.

Yet another outdated mechanic that they didn't improve on when they developed this game and won't likely to see any improvements on anytime soon since player appearance customization isn't at all high on their priority list. Any change to the appearances won't happen for months, and that's been confirmed by the devs when it came to armor appearances, let alone the rest of the customization options...

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It sometimes takes me days to make a character, to get him looking in a way that I'm satisfied with. I think I borderline obsessive behaviour when it comes to making toons a certain way.


Hair, colours, skin tones, build, eyes, mouth, ears, nose, etc. They must all meet the approval of my eye before I move on.


I don't really care what others think about how they look, as I'm the one that has to look at them most of the time. However, I do get the occasional compliment sometimes, about how they look, or their outfit. Such comments are always appreciated, and reinforce my perception of being happy with how my toons look.


As long as you like your toons, nothing else matters.

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