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WoW still better.


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idk mobs are fairly easy to kill lol.. but if your trying to do group phases or fp alone then thats pretty foolish on your part. i love the lore of this game and how it feels like kotor with convo choices. Auto attack makes you lazy


if you want a game that you just have to turn on and watch i suggest FTP Jade dynasty because all you do is set up and afk bot grind to level maybe thats easier for you.


one less idiot to deal with in the game i guess :rak_04:

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Why do we have dumb-*** arguments and comparisons like this.

Screw fairies or elves or bountyhunters...and all that crap.


Give me a game to play where content is rich,fun, engaging,entertaining.

I don't care if it's a figment of a monkeys imagination, if it's engaging and can keep my attention and occupy my time, I'll play it.


All this fantasy vs star wars etc etc..it's all *********** FANTASY!! GET IT!


WoW or SWTOR should not be compared based on whether it's a fantasy and whether one has more believable characters etc.etc. It's content...it's the things that keep you indulged.

You can have an unbelievably good story, yet if you make the game sh#itty and shallow, you'll have nothing.

I don't care if I'm playing with orcs or sith's, if i run out of **** to do, I run out of **** to do. End of story.


WoW has done the content part extremely well.

SWTOR hasn't(or maybe hasn't done it YET).

People are not leaving because they rather play with an orc or elf or whatever, they are leaving because it's boring.


I'm grateful you had the patience to write that, for a moment there I was concerned my thread was going to be swamped by the SWTOR forum police & there 'don't post this, & don't post that' They're probably the same people that when something else comes out say all that crap about SWTOR....

Edited by Notannos
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So in Wow you can solo the dungeons at level now? Must have changed quite a bit in the last few years.


Either that or you are doing something ... different, because I have no problems doing solo content alone ... umm with my trusted sidekick aka companion.


Give us more details on what is going on and we might be able to help or give you some pointers.


Good luck in whatever you decide.

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Hi everyone,


We ask that threads center on discussion of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. We have closed this thread as the discussion primarily focuses on another game. We do have a similar topic here if you wish to continue this discussion: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=441617


Thank you for your understanding!

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