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Where's the "War" if this is a Star Wars MMO?


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Exactly what this title means.


It seems as if the planets were designed to keep Faction encounters at a non-existent rate. There's basically nopossibility whatsoever of World PVP before level 50 unless you are on an Independant World. Even so, the quest hubs are designed that opposite Faction players might not even run into each other, unless they do some scouting on the planet.


I don't know, I would have loved running into opposite faction players and be able to duke it out. That kind of kill the immersion. Locked Faction planets also kill this immersion : why can't we invade those worlds? That should be a possibility. Take this into consideration. Not meant as griefing, but sort of a challenge.


Kind of like in World of Warcraft : an Achievement for killing all of the opposite faction's leaders of all of the opposite Faction's planets.

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