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Black Hole Gear/Comms


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You don't enjoy raiding--fine. But don't cry when you can't get the rewards that come from it.

LOL @ Denova being easy. You shot yourself in the foot with that one. It's easy but you're unable or unwilling to do it? Yet you want the gear from it..... Sorry, you wanting gear for little or no effort would completely disable progression raiding for those of us that want it. You don't want to raid so that shouldn't bother you, right?

Wrong--cause here you are complaining about it.


The best gear is for raiders. Deal with it. If you're not raiding why do you need the gear anyways?


Also, certain gear is a badge of accomplishment. I don't want you looking like you accomplished something when you didn't. Deal with that too.


And why do raiders need better gear? If you can manage to kill Boss without it, you dont need it, but you WANT it. You want it for various reasons, maybe to show off how super pro you are, or because next time your team will killl Boss easier. For the same reason non raider wants better gear, to do what he likes to do - easier, and it will keep him playing. Simple.

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You don't enjoy raiding--fine. But don't cry when you can't get the rewards that come from it.

LOL @ Denova being easy. You shot yourself in the foot with that one. It's easy but you're unable or unwilling to do it? Yet you want the gear from it..... Sorry, you wanting gear for little or no effort would completely disable progression raiding for those of us that want it. You don't want to raid so that shouldn't bother you, right?

Wrong--cause here you are complaining about it.


The best gear is for raiders. Deal with it. If you're not raiding why do you need the gear anyways?


Also, certain gear is a badge of accomplishment. I don't want you looking like you accomplished something when you didn't. Deal with that too.


REALLY you mean like they took Champion Gear (changed stats and Name) and made it to where you can get it with credits all because PvEers wanted to casually PvP


you mean that kind of badge of accomplishment???????

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And why do raiders need better gear? If you can manage to kill Boss without it, you dont need it, but you WANT it. You want it for various reasons, maybe to show off how super pro you are, or because next time your team will killl Boss easier. For the same reason non raider wants better gear, to do what he likes to do - easier, and it will keep him playing. Simple.


They need better gear for the next tier of content, which requires it--hence progression raiding.

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REALLY you mean like they took Champion Gear (changed stats and Name) and made it to where you can get it with credits all because PvEers wanted to casually PvP


you mean that kind of badge of accomplishment???????


Yeah I don't agree with that either. They should have simply made new gear but they were lazy--go figure.

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They need better gear for the next tier of content, which requires it--hence progression raiding.


Actually no.


Raiders demand better gear as a carrot on a string to entice them to actually do the raid in the first place. This is because raiding as an activity is largely unpopular. Now I'm sure you are thinking, "he's wrong". Compare raiding to something else, like PvP or flashpoints, and you'll find only a small number of players actually finish a tier of content when it is relative. Many more players will revisit the older content when it is not cutting edge - but gear is hardly a carrot for those players at that point.


Since raiders demand better gear for their paycheck of investing hours into raiding, this inflates the game. Developers must make bosses progressively more difficult to account for the massive stat inflation that the raid gear is bringing to the game - thus, the "feeling" by raiders that you need the better gear for the next tier of raiding. It doesn't have to be this way - in fact, raiding could be easily made challenging while wearing quested blues and crafted 22 mods, except many raiders would not even bother if there wasn't that sweet overinflated gear waiting to be looted from the pixellated bosses.


Since raiders demand such overinflated gear to entice them to raid and developers are still under the false assumption that raiding content brings all the boys to the yard, we are left with the other areas of the game struggling to give out appropriate rewards that still make that content meaningful. Some raiders cannot see the forest for the trees and besmirch other players (both new and alts) from being able to play catchup through dailies so they can play with their friends.


I'll end this with saying that for my new gunslinger that is going to hit 50 tonight, it would sure be nice if I could transfer the BH/Columi currency and useless tokens that I won on random from my raiding main to my new guy. Though, I'm at the point where I just feel that all BoP gear should be simply Bind on Legacy. I earned it - I should be able to use it on whatever character I see fit (that I own).


For you "hardcore" guys that feel that people should put in mountains of hours for almost relevant gear - I hope you are the recruitment officer for your raids because if the system stays as it is - your job is going to get very difficult around 1.4 if Bioware doesn't lighten up and make it easier to get caught up to the current gear level.

Edited by Raeln
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For you "hardcore" guys that feel that people should put in mountains of hours for almost relevant gear - I hope you are the recruitment officer for your raids because if the system stays as it is - your job is going to get very difficult around 1.4 if Bioware doesn't lighten up and make it easier to get caught up to the current gear level.


Been a hardcore Raider in the past (in other games.) Been a recruiter. Seen this in action. Raids need bodies and the devs need people interested in raiding. Its a fine line they walk, but at 6 black hole comms a week...they aren't accomplishing what they hoped to accomplish.


Black Hole gear shouldn't be equivalent to raid gear. But it also shouldn't take months to get a few pieces.

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I swear to GOD, I have said it in about 30 posts. THIS IS NOT WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW introduced the huge leaps in gear quality, WOW introduced dumming down gear acquisition so that someone could randomly decide, "I want to raid today" and get caught up in a week. The concepts are part of what makes WOW suck *** and why a lot of us play Star Wars.


Is there a black hole specific pvp warzone que? No, sorry, the new warzone doesn't continue the Black Hole story line... But hey, they still gave you gear to go along with the new raid gear.... Have to raid to get gear from the Raid story line... WHAT!? how dare they!!!! Children this isn't WOW. You don't get the pretties for showing up. If they made the new commendations available in every one of the dailies, then this would be no different then sitting in Queue in wow to get my points so I can buy my raid quality gear from doing heroic dungeons.


Bioware is intelligent enough to not follow that route. It's similar to the real-world in that work grants rewards. You want to look like me, therefore you should be able to. Sorry, I don't want you to look like me. And Bioware agreed so they didn't give you the option. Maybe they'll change their mind, But why should the look and gear I worked my *** off to earn be given to you as an attendance award?

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I swear to GOD, I have said it in about 30 posts. THIS IS NOT WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW introduced the huge leaps in gear quality, WOW introduced dumming down gear acquisition so that someone could randomly decide, "I want to raid today" and get caught up in a week. The concepts are part of what makes WOW suck *** and why a lot of us play Star Wars.


Is there a black hole specific pvp warzone que? No, sorry, the new warzone doesn't continue the Black Hole story line... But hey, they still gave you gear to go along with the new raid gear.... Have to raid to get gear from the Raid story line... WHAT!? how dare they!!!! Children this isn't WOW. You don't get the pretties for showing up. If they made the new commendations available in every one of the dailies, then this would be no different then sitting in Queue in wow to get my points so I can buy my raid quality gear from doing heroic dungeons.


Bioware is intelligent enough to not follow that route. It's similar to the real-world in that work grants rewards. You want to look like me, therefore you should be able to. Sorry, I don't want you to look like me. And Bioware agreed so they didn't give you the option. Maybe they'll change their mind, But why should the look and gear I worked my *** off to earn be given to you as an attendance award?


ok here is an example of little children, ummm they made you look like me for credits, you know the gear i worked my *** of to get pvping (champion Gear) and i am not asking for the campain gear (the one with the set bonus) i would like to get a schematic set for the Black Hole Gear please quit crying it is gear a digital item nothing more if you can get PvP gear for credits then i should be able to get PvE gear for the same

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I swear to GOD, I have said it in about 30 posts. THIS IS NOT WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW introduced the huge leaps in gear quality, WOW introduced dumming down gear acquisition so that someone could randomly decide, "I want to raid today" and get caught up in a week. The concepts are part of what makes WOW suck *** and why a lot of us play Star Wars.


Do not pretend to speak for the majority.


There is a reason why WoW's playerbase exponentially exceeded that of EQ1.


Is there a black hole specific pvp warzone que? No, sorry, the new warzone doesn't continue the Black Hole story line... But hey, they still gave you gear to go along with the new raid gear.... Have to raid to get gear from the Raid story line... WHAT!? how dare they!!!! Children this isn't WOW. You don't get the pretties for showing up. If they made the new commendations available in every one of the dailies, then this would be no different then sitting in Queue in wow to get my points so I can buy my raid quality gear from doing heroic dungeons.


Each time a new tier of raid gear is released, there must be a counterpart released for PvP. This is an absolute necessity, else PvE gear overpowers PvP gear. It is the direct result of what is known as "stat inflation" and is exactly what is wrong with MMORPGs that place all their character progression eggs in the "gear driven" basket.


Bioware is intelligent enough to not follow that route. It's similar to the real-world in that work grants rewards. You want to look like me, therefore you should be able to. Sorry, I don't want you to look like me. And Bioware agreed so they didn't give you the option. Maybe they'll change their mind, But why should the look and gear I worked my *** off to earn be given to you as an attendance award?


Let me point you to the medical field where medical assistants must have certifications that say they actually have a clue about how to take your blood pressure and run intermediary to your doctor for you. Did you know they get paid half of what someone with barely a high school diploma gets paid that just throws boxes into the back of a Wal-Mart distribution center delivery truck? They get paid a third of what a UPS delivery man (again, only a high school diploma) gets paid to drop boxes off in a rural route in the Bible-belt.


Don't try to tell me that hard work or high education equals more pay all the time. I know of several individuals in my area that make gravy bank working at an auto plant where a hard day to them means watching a spot welding robot make 30 welds every minute.


You simply cannot have a thriving raid game if you expect every new player and alt to run through every single tier of raid content sequentially. There will be a point in time where too many players say, "it's too much", and simply decide to not chase the carrot. I've seen it already happen in my own guild with Explosive Conflict. It's not how real life works in the real world and it's not how players at large are going to expect it to work in a video game either.


What I guarantee that you don't want to happen is for the playerbase to begin to believe that the end game content is simply too far beyond them to be accessible. That is what made WoW successful, people felt they could access the content readily - not Cataclysm/BC difficulty raids, where people avoided it like a plague.

Edited by Raeln
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ok here is an example of little children, ummm they made you look like me for credits, you know the gear i worked my *** of to get pvping (champion Gear) and i am not asking for the campain gear (the one with the set bonus) i would like to get a schematic set for the Black Hole Gear please quit crying it is gear a digital item nothing more if you can get PvP gear for credits then i should be able to get PvE gear for the same


One small problem. I can't look like you unless I put in the time PVP'ing first. I have to achieve a valor rank to wear pvp gear. Including the craftables. There is no similar system for raiding. However if they were to include a system that required you raid ____ amount of times before you can wear it, then great, I say you should be able to. And crying? If it is such a non deal that I shouldn't care that you want for credits what I spent time and effort earning, then it's also such a non-deal that you shouldn't care that I don't want you too.

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And Relin, WOW's popularity was based on thousands of things that had nothing to do with the fact that it was an inferior game to EQ1 or 2. Brand recognition, Social changes making it more acceptable to be a gamer, The Warcraft franchise itself. Improved graphics (the only thing I, and many others who have discussed it thought they did better then Sony), EVEN the platform for acceptance of MMO's that Sony opened up, not to mention blizzards experience in maintaining an online community with battle.net before they even had an MMO. The fact is that WOW Became tTHE game that A vast majority of players were looking to leave when the next "WOW killer" came out. Or can I say that more then one person did that without you telling me I'm talking for too many people again?


About the Medical profession. That sucks. It's why I'm not in medicine, I'm also not a teacher for the same reason. In my opinion both are4 severely underpaid in general with a few exceptions for the "rock stars" in their community. Honestly, why should the person who has saved innumerable lives make less then a 15 yr old girl with a questionable sexual identity, and bad parental role models who happened to rhyme to music and shake her hips on stage. HOWEVER, in GENERAL as I was speaking in my whole post, work hard = bigger rewards is how the world works. However, I'm sure I will be picked apart AGAIN for some wording that is seen as an attack point.

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Just an idea!!!


Instead of daily comms from doing the black hole dailies; how about we get black hole comms? (serious)


Nope, love it the way it is.


In addition how about a Schematic set for 50k credits like the BM / WH Gear? (serious)


do not like this idea.


Also how about making the toinese gear purchasable with credits like you did to the Champion Gear (Recruit Gear)?


This is not a bad idea but if they did this i would love to see top raid gear (Rakata) even harder to get.

these are just some ideas



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One small problem. I can't look like you unless I put in the time PVP'ing first. I have to achieve a valor rank to wear pvp gear. Including the craftables. There is no similar system for raiding. However if they were to include a system that required you raid ____ amount of times before you can wear it, then great, I say you should be able to. And crying? If it is such a non deal that I shouldn't care that you want for credits what I spent time and effort earning, then it's also such a non-deal that you shouldn't care that I don't want you too.


Let me just answer you in one word NO!!! they removed the valor requirment from PvP Gear, go do research before you complain, the only PvP Gear you need valor for is the crafted Battlemaster and War Hero Gear


so Fresh 50's get Tier 1 PvP gear for 220k credits and dont have to have any valor rank then in a lets say 2 weeks of PvPing maybe 2 hours a day or 8 matches a day (give or take) you can have a full set of tier 2 PvP Gear (battlemaster) again no valor requirement then 2 to 3 more weeks of the above play time you can obtain War Hero gear AGAIN no Valor rank required.


so where is your logic? if you a RAIDer can obtain my (PvPer) gear that easily why do i have to do more than the same for the apperance of the Black Hole Gear???? i dont want your set bonus so campain Gear is useless to me and the stats in the Black Hole gear are going to be replaced with my War Hero stats anyway


so again please do some research before you talk about things you obviously have no idea about


All this thread is about is asking for apperance schems or make it a little easier for non RAIDers to get the Black Hole Gear, Keep the campain gear as is (as the top tier Raiding gear but dont fool yourself in thinking the Black Hole Gear is top raid quaility seeing as it doesn't have a Set bonus at all)

Edited by Darth-_-
spelling mistakes
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Just an idea!!!


Instead of daily comms from doing the black hole dailies; how about we get black hole comms? (serious)


Nope, love it the way it is. (glad you do, but it needs changed)


In addition how about a Schematic set for 50k credits like the BM / WH Gear? (serious)


do not like this idea. (it is your opinion)


Also how about making the toinese gear purchasable with credits like you did to the Champion Gear (Recruit Gear)?


This is not a bad idea but if they did this i would love to see top raid gear (Rakata) even harder to get. (Why? Battlemaster is easier to get so why should the PvE equivilant be harder to obtain?)


these are just some ideas RE-edited

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Actually no.


Raiders demand better gear as a carrot on a string to entice them to actually do the raid in the first place. This is because raiding as an activity is largely unpopular. Now I'm sure you are thinking, "he's wrong". Compare raiding to something else, like PvP or flashpoints, and you'll find only a small number of players actually finish a tier of content when it is relative. Many more players will revisit the older content when it is not cutting edge - but gear is hardly a carrot for those players at that point.


Since raiders demand better gear for their paycheck of investing hours into raiding, this inflates the game. Developers must make bosses progressively more difficult to account for the massive stat inflation that the raid gear is bringing to the game - thus, the "feeling" by raiders that you need the better gear for the next tier of raiding. It doesn't have to be this way - in fact, raiding could be easily made challenging while wearing quested blues and crafted 22 mods, except many raiders would not even bother if there wasn't that sweet overinflated gear waiting to be looted from the pixellated bosses.


Since raiders demand such overinflated gear to entice them to raid and developers are still under the false assumption that raiding content brings all the boys to the yard, we are left with the other areas of the game struggling to give out appropriate rewards that still make that content meaningful. Some raiders cannot see the forest for the trees and besmirch other players (both new and alts) from being able to play catchup through dailies so they can play with their friends.


I'll end this with saying that for my new gunslinger that is going to hit 50 tonight, it would sure be nice if I could transfer the BH/Columi currency and useless tokens that I won on random from my raiding main to my new guy. Though, I'm at the point where I just feel that all BoP gear should be simply Bind on Legacy. I earned it - I should be able to use it on whatever character I see fit (that I own).


For you "hardcore" guys that feel that people should put in mountains of hours for almost relevant gear - I hope you are the recruitment officer for your raids because if the system stays as it is - your job is going to get very difficult around 1.4 if Bioware doesn't lighten up and make it easier to get caught up to the current gear level.


Actually... YES.


Not all raiders see raids as a chore. I enjoy the challenge. Progression raiding is necessary because you can't make everything the same difficulty, or what's the point.


It's not that hard to gear up for end-game at all... You can easily become raid-ready for Denova with a week or two of dailies and some HM flashpoints. Not that hard.


My guild raids 6-8 hours a week. lol @ that being "hardcore".


Sorry but you sound like a carebear--pure and simple.

Edited by Ka-tel
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Actually... YES.


Not all raiders see raids as a chore. I enjoy the challenge. Progression raiding is necessary because you can't make everything the same difficulty, or what's the point.


It's not that hard to gear up for end-game at all... You can easily become raid-ready for Denova with a week or two of dailies and some HM flashpoints. Not that hard.


My guild raids 6-8 hours a week. lol @ that being "hardcore".


Sorry but you sound like a carebear--pure and simple.


Perhaps you could make a post detailing how "You can easily become raid-ready for Denova with a week or two of dailies and some HM flashpoints" but as much as I am willing to put in 6 hours a day to do hm's ops I am not able to because of elitist raiders that don't wanna take people that aren't already geared enough to not need them. had a raid guild refuse to take me because I only have full columi gear and not full rakata. But if I had full rakata that would mean I had a raid guild already right?

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And Relin, WOW's popularity was based on thousands of things that had nothing to do with the fact that it was an inferior game to EQ1 or 2. Brand recognition, Social changes making it more acceptable to be a gamer, The Warcraft franchise itself. Improved graphics (the only thing I, and many others who have discussed it thought they did better then Sony), EVEN the platform for acceptance of MMO's that Sony opened up, not to mention blizzards experience in maintaining an online community with battle.net before they even had an MMO. The fact is that WOW Became tTHE game that A vast majority of players were looking to leave when the next "WOW killer" came out. Or can I say that more then one person did that without you telling me I'm talking for too many people again?


WoW became popular primarily because it was a game that had accessible content. Previous to WoW, EQ1 required a group to do anything, even farming materials for crafting. Obviously, that was not the only "draw" that WoW had but accessibility was the reason people stayed. It was revolutionary to be able to actually do things in game by yourself if you wanted to.


For all the supposed popularity raiding in WoW was "given", Blizzard themselves stated that only 4 out of 10 players had raided during WoW Vanilla. Those numbers did not increase until Wrath - which also happens to be the expansion that many self-titled "hardcore" players claim was the worse expansion ever. Has anyone ever considered what the other 6 out of 10 players that did not raid did in the game during those times?


About the Medical profession. That sucks. It's why I'm not in medicine, I'm also not a teacher for the same reason. In my opinion both are4 severely underpaid in general with a few exceptions for the "rock stars" in their community. Honestly, why should the person who has saved innumerable lives make less then a 15 yr old girl with a questionable sexual identity, and bad parental role models who happened to rhyme to music and shake her hips on stage. HOWEVER, in GENERAL as I was speaking in my whole post, work hard = bigger rewards is how the world works. However, I'm sure I will be picked apart AGAIN for some wording that is seen as an attack point.


I was just pointing out that "working harder" does not always equate to more pay. My wife had to work pretty hard to get her medical certifications. My cousin just filled out a single sheet of paper at the Wal-Mart distribution center. My friend just had to go get his CDL to deliver UPS boxes.


Also, quoting posts by paragraph is not "picking it apart".

Edited by Raeln
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Let me just answer you in one word NO!!! they removed the valor requirment from PvP Gear, go do research before you complain, the only PvP Gear you need valor for is the crafted Battlemaster and War Hero Gear


so Fresh 50's get Tier 1 PvP gear for 220k credits and dont have to have any valor rank then in a lets say 2 weeks of PvPing maybe 2 hours a day or 8 matches a day (give or take) you can have a full set of tier 2 PvP Gear (battlemaster) again no valor requirement then 2 to 3 more weeks of the above play time you can obtain War Hero gear AGAIN no Valor rank required.


so where is your logic? if you a RAIDer can obtain my (PvPer) gear that easily why do i have to do more than the same for the apperance of the Black Hole Gear???? i dont want your set bonus so campain Gear is useless to me and the stats in the Black Hole gear are going to be replaced with my War Hero stats anyway


so again please do some research before you talk about things you obviously have no idea about


All this thread is about is asking for apperance schems or make it a little easier for non RAIDers to get the Black Hole Gear, Keep the campain gear as is (as the top tier Raiding gear but dont fool yourself in thinking the Black Hole Gear is top raid quaility seeing as it doesn't have a Set bonus at all)


I think PvE gear should be easy to get - that way developers can focus on designing content for a gear level they know everyone is going to have at the start. Though - I would raid for vehicles, mini-pets, companion customizations, BoE crafting schematics, crafting materials and titles. I actually get the most frustrated when gear is involved with the raiding system. Nothing more frustrating to me than to down the same boss for weeks in a row and your class token never drops a single time.


How about we just get gear out of the way and come up with a different carrot to put on the end of the raid stick?

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Actually... YES.


Not all raiders see raids as a chore. I enjoy the challenge. Progression raiding is necessary because you can't make everything the same difficulty, or what's the point.


It's not that hard to gear up for end-game at all... You can easily become raid-ready for Denova with a week or two of dailies and some HM flashpoints. Not that hard.


My guild raids 6-8 hours a week. lol @ that being "hardcore".


Sorry but you sound like a carebear--pure and simple.


Does calling people names make you feel more elite? Carebear has no meaning for PvE anyway - that is a derogatory label in a PvP discussion.


I raid 6 to 8 hours a week. If you are claiming someone is raid-ready for Denova (as it currently is) within 2 weeks, then they are playing hardcore, at least for those two weeks. That has nothing to do with the thread though.


I would rather end game content be designed to challenge the skill of players and as long as developers cannot know what gear a group of players will be in when they step foot in the raid instance, that is always a loose variable and will send players to the forums to debate the gear issue.


Personally, I think the gear should be acquirable within a decent time frame from all modes of end game play. I don't believe taking almost 2 months of dailies to buy one piece of Black Hole gear is a "decent time frame" either.

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I don't see the problem here. If you want all people (casual / raider) to get equal gear without doing anything, then what is the point to put OPERATIONS in the 1st place? most ppl will do the easy way to get their BH gear by doing dailies and it will be harder to get a group to do Ops.




The reason there are Ops in the game, and the same reason applie to there being ANYTHING in the game is that it boils down to two things...one for the players, and one for the developers. For the players, that thing is fun, and for the developers, that thing is profit.


Or are you really saying raiders need the better loot because they raid, and they raid to get better loot? That is meaningless. You are just going round in a circle. You need the loot because you raid, but you raid to get the loot?

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Actually no.


Raiders demand better gear as a carrot on a string to entice them to actually do the raid in the first place. This is because raiding as an activity is largely unpopular. Now I'm sure you are thinking, "he's wrong". Compare raiding to something else, like PvP or flashpoints, and you'll find only a small number of players actually finish a tier of content when it is relative. Many more players will revisit the older content when it is not cutting edge - but gear is hardly a carrot for those players at that point.


Since raiders demand better gear for their paycheck of investing hours into raiding, this inflates the game. Developers must make bosses progressively more difficult to account for the massive stat inflation that the raid gear is bringing to the game - thus, the "feeling" by raiders that you need the better gear for the next tier of raiding. It doesn't have to be this way - in fact, raiding could be easily made challenging while wearing quested blues and crafted 22 mods, except many raiders would not even bother if there wasn't that sweet overinflated gear waiting to be looted from the pixellated bosses.


Since raiders demand such overinflated gear to entice them to raid and developers are still under the false assumption that raiding content brings all the boys to the yard, we are left with the other areas of the game struggling to give out appropriate rewards that still make that content meaningful. Some raiders cannot see the forest for the trees and besmirch other players (both new and alts) from being able to play catchup through dailies so they can play with their friends.


I'll end this with saying that for my new gunslinger that is going to hit 50 tonight, it would sure be nice if I could transfer the BH/Columi currency and useless tokens that I won on random from my raiding main to my new guy. Though, I'm at the point where I just feel that all BoP gear should be simply Bind on Legacy. I earned it - I should be able to use it on whatever character I see fit (that I own).


For you "hardcore" guys that feel that people should put in mountains of hours for almost relevant gear - I hope you are the recruitment officer for your raids because if the system stays as it is - your job is going to get very difficult around 1.4 if Bioware doesn't lighten up and make it easier to get caught up to the current gear level.


Well said Sir. +1 internets to you.

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Perhaps you could make a post detailing how "You can easily become raid-ready for Denova with a week or two of dailies and some HM flashpoints" but as much as I am willing to put in 6 hours a day to do hm's ops I am not able to because of elitist raiders that don't wanna take people that aren't already geared enough to not need them. had a raid guild refuse to take me because I only have full columi gear and not full rakata. But if I had full rakata that would mean I had a raid guild already right?


Ah, don't you just love those elitists who all have sticks shoved up their asses?


I've been part of conversations on the fleet with my fairly newly levelled to 50 SI that consist of several people standing around complaining that they were bored. So, I asked if they were that bored, would they be free for a HM Black Talon run. First HM run I'd have done, I was thinking it might be an idea to get some people together who have done it before and who know what to expect.


But, no... They were all far too interested in standing around being bored than helping out someone who hasn't quite reached their level of... something.

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Ah, don't you just love those elitists who all have sticks shoved up their asses?


I've been part of conversations on the fleet with my fairly newly levelled to 50 SI that consist of several people standing around complaining that they were bored. So, I asked if they were that bored, would they be free for a HM Black Talon run. First HM run I'd have done, I was thinking it might be an idea to get some people together who have done it before and who know what to expect.


But, no... They were all far too interested in standing around being bored than helping out someone who hasn't quite reached their level of... something.


Well, not that I want to defend people in a video game standing around claiming they are bored - but in their defense, if they raid much at all, then there is nothing of value for them from a HM flashpoint, except Lost Island. It's a problem that Bioware needs to rectify. I know my ops team has absolutely zero interest in Flashpoints. There's nothing there for us.


As for people being "bored" in a video game... uh, they should log off and go find a different activity. I'm 36 and have been playing video games since I was 10 - I've never been bored playing a game. When I get to the point that I'm not having fun, I take a break and play something else for awhile. Shoot, I've even been known to take a break from gaming and mow the yard once or twice before. :p

Edited by Raeln
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