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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Put everything into making cross server Q's


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Server mergers,

Cross server q's,

new warzones,

more OPVP incentive,



how bout that...

lets see some o that BW...


PVP dungeons?


grabing at straws now... but

sitting in fleet waitting for Wz pop...

naw that's not worth 15 a month.

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PVP on one char in this game is somewhat boring at times but if you have a lot of alts and you DON'T twink them then pvp is so much fun when you get fast pug v pug or premade v premade warzones.


However, with the low pop of many servers it takes awhile to get into a match and when you finally do it is usually premade vs pug. Maybe you are on the premade side and you stomp the other team (boring as hell for people that don't suck) or your team gets stomped. Sure sometimes your team can still beat the premade but still this will not happen for most people most of the time.


If this game had cross server ques I'd stay subbed for years, however if it does not i'll prob unsub within the next couple months and I think many other people will do the same thing (many people I knew already have).


Whatever you do get those cross server ques out a few weeks or more before Guild Wars 2 comes out. This will actually keep a fair number of people that like pvp who would otherwise drop when Guild Wars 2 comes out. They may come back later but as any business knows most will not.


i agree and also think they need to have 8man ques. i know premades don't like having pugs with them any more than the pugs dont like facing them.

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On Telos Restoration Project....you can que for 8 hours and not have anything pop (10-49 and 50). When we do get pops its only enough for one side to finish its dailies. Then people stop queing. Everyone I know on Telos has left for another game or is leaving for Guild Wars 2 when it comes out. There is no point in paying to "not play" (that is what i call pve). All we are asking for is the ability to get to play! Give us cross server ques or let us transer ASAP! You will lose subs period and you know it. MANDATORY OVERTIME PVP DEVS!!!!!


*Edit* oh and most of the pops if not all are 8v4 or 6v7 etc....never full. I actually made alts on both sides just so I could try and fill spots or encourage a que to pop.

Edited by Wulvr
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i would be happy with either cross server que or some low pop servers being merged. on my server the most we might have on the fleet at one time is 30 if we are lucky, and that usualy isnt until around 5-6 pm pst. Edited by severitis
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