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Which is the better faction destined to hold more players on?


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So what do you guys think? which faction is doing the best, most players? Best in pvp? the better classes overall? It seems the Empire at first was nailing the Republic in pvp, but the Empire is beggining to become weak. So what do you think? Submit your opinions!
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Seeing as there's no reason not to do both, I think the question may be kinda moot. I've seen a lot of Sith character rolling serious republic "alts" and vice versa, so... really, they aren't in competition.


That said, Coruscant and the Justicar district do a helluva good job of scaring people away at early levels.

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I started Empire because all my friends were jumping off that bridge as well. If I had my druthers, I would have been Republic. I have reached the point where I am still playing, and they have all moved on. So for as long as my Sub lasts, I will probably just play Republic since all my Empire Classes are 50.
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