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Question for Cameron Winston - Combat Designer

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Is Mercenary/Commando arsenal burst DPS being looked into? After the 1.2c patch the Mercenary/Commando arsenal burst potential for this class is extremely low to the point of game breaking in PVP. I'm not sure if the problem is from a bug or unanticipated consequences to the 1.2c bug fix. At Pax you stated all classes were within ranges of burst/sustained DPS for 1.2. Obviously this change happened in patch 1.2c and would have changed the balance. There is a serious issue with this spec atm when it comes to level 50pvp. I'm posting this in hopes that it will put it on your radar, if read/forwaded. I'm not sure with mercs in 1-49 pvp and I don't PVE, so not sure about in that area.


I have already unsubbed because of the way this negatively impacted the class fun factor, but will continue to monitor the forums to see if this is being further looked into.


This is my Dr. Jekel nice guy mode even though I'm fixing to go Mr. Hyde :rak_04:

Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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