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Beginners Guide to Gearing (Level 50 PVP)


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Hello all, I'm here with a Guide on "How to Gear in PVP for Beginners (Level 50)". This is a video guide so I will post the link below, but what the video guide entails is me explaining how to get each tier of gear starting from Recruit, then onto Battlemaster, and lastly War Hero. I know gearing out for PVP might be overwhelming in SWTOR right now, but knowing just how to gear and exactly how much each set costs goes a long way in relieving that fresh 50 stress. So Here you go!


lvl 50 PVP: Beginners Guide to Gearing - SWTOR


Edited by blazerSERVE
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I want to note, Expertise is best stat in PVP


How to gear: Since we can now choose which piece of gear to buy in 1.2, we can now prioritize our gear progression with our best stats. For example, as a Sentinel Watchman my main stats from highest to lowest importance is, Power > Strength > Surge > Crit.

So as I'm gearing myself out now in War Hero Gear, I'm gonna go for the gear with most power and surge, keeping in mind I want a fair balance of strength as well, since Strength adds to Crit(Every Main Stat adds to Crit, i.e. Aim adds to crit for troopers, Cunning adds to crit for smugglers, etc).


Just wanted to add this to further explain how important your main stats are with gear progression, no reason to feel overwhelmed. If you want the best stats on your gear, your gonna have to start pulling out mods from different gear to make a custom set, Probably gonna make a video of how to do this in the future.

Edited by blazerSERVE
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