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Well another possible alternative down the drain :(


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Well, just got done playing in the closed beta for TSW. Looked like it might be the one of the new ones coming out that might be worth playing. GREAT lore, GREAT factions, but most importantly...3 factions...can't believe more mmos haven't figured out that the key to solving faction balance probs is to have 3 factions...


Anyway, for those also looking for a refuge from lousy QA and patches to fix broken stuff from patches to fix broken stuff from...well, you get the idea..and patch notes where devs have to post constantly things like " well , we meant to fix it but apprently we didn't. We'll keep you updated" EVERY SINGLE patch- TSW is NOT IT! Game is unplayable it's so bad :( *sigh*


Makes me appreciate this one more I guess- warts and all :rolleyes:

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