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quest ab00t master strike


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Short answer : Let it go all the way.


Long answer : It is situational. If you can get the whole thing off, then do it. If you are fighting a healer or someone getting healed that is getting low. I would say just 2 ticks, then MS, then dispatch. (Or even skip MS.. Whatever you think will finish him off) If you target is going to be clearly out of range by time the last hit goes off. Give it up and just go after him.


The last hit hits pretty hard so It's definitely going all the way with it.

Edited by GaryCartel
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My feeling is that if you can afford to land the last hit of Master Strike, do so. It hits like a truck.


Obviously if you're not going to get it in before someone hits you with a big attack or stun or CC or whatever, then cancel it. But my feeling is let it ride. It doesn't cost you any focus, does huge damage and gives you a couple secs for some of your other CDs to catch up.


I find it great to drop in between a Merciless that resets my Cauterize before reapplying or as a filler if my Zealous/Cauterize/Merciless are all on CD at the same time.

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