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Athiss Issues


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Hi All,


Thanks in advance for your help. I was at the last boss in Athiss and I could not get it done. I am not sure if I was doing something mechanically wrong in the fight? We got down the de-buff but the bust vs my ammo recharge seemed to be an issue.


He would apply that life drain on the party and I would have to heal them up to full so they did not die if they got it again. And my ammo regen would not be there to support it.


I just wanted to get feedback from the community if anyone else had issues with that or suggestions for the fight from our point of view.



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Go into the fight with 30/30 charges. Watch for the cast and supercharge then drop the 10% damage reduction on the group with kolto bomb. Use advanced to heal (since at this level it does not trigger the reduction for med probe) and drop kolto bomb again before the effect expires to continue the 10% reduction in damage taken. When the flames come out make sure people are not being stupid and getting hit. Use hammer shot to heal during this phase to build up your charges again and rinse repeat. Your ammo should regen to full and you should not have issues. Edited by Aaoogaa
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Hmm I just healed this fight with no problem. Our party's main healer was killed early on and I was forced to pick up the primary healing for the 3 of us left.


I think the key is to realize that you can't spam your probes. Keep chipping away with hammer shot on your tank, use supercharge whenever it's up and drop some bigger heals when needed.


I was able to keep us all alive and tossed in some full autos and charged bolts at the boss.

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Are we talking about the same boss? The guy at the end of Athiss with the 4 fire orbs and the Crushing Affliction "life draining" debuff?


The boss himself doesn't do a lot of damage. The only time I actually had to heal was through Crushing Affliction, the debuff. Oh and heal a little from the orbs if people didn't move away from them. From what I can remember, that debuff actually got nerfed since the beta. I did it twice in beta and twice the other day, but didn't rec myself recently.


You don't even need a real tank for that guy because he doesn't hit for much. I also think it's interruptible but I've never had a party member try it.

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If you don't out level it the last boss can be very tough. When I first went through it would be taking people down to about 25% of their life when they got hit by it.


The only thing special about the fight is avoiding the fireballs and I think you got that part down. Just do what you can to heal and keep your ammo towards the top so it can regen. Don't over react and burn through it since that is just going to hurt you later.


Having someone else in the party that can toss out a heal now and then can help as well.

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This may sound stupid but ... level to 24, get "Field Aid" from your trainer so you can dispell the life draining buff whenever the boss casts it on someone.

Field Aid costs 2 ammo with a 4,5 sec cooldown and makes this fight a lot easier than before level 24.

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I was lvl 19.


That's quite painful, doing it as a level 19. (the Athiss quest is level 21)


In case you're doing it at such a low level, you could ask if someone else in the group can heal as well. Then you can alternate healing so you can both keep your class resource high to deal with spike damage from the life drain.


Also don't forget that the life drain debuff explodes in an AOE at the end.

If nobody can dispell it, the person affected should move away from the group until it pops.

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Well, at what levels did you guys do that fight and did you do it as a trooper healer?


From a healing point of view, that fight is not easy if nobody is high enough level to dispell the debuff.

That life drain does a lot of damage and often people don't run away from the rest and thus explode for another 700'ish damage on everyone near them.

That's A LOT of damage to heal as a trooper medic before level 27.


I found trooper healing in general quite challenging until 27 where I got my 3rd point in that shiny skill that lowers the cost of med probe by 2 after using adv med probe.

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