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space based co-op fp


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new fps are needed, space based content is needed......


so it starts simply, you and 3 comrades get on your own ships, pick up the fp mission.




tube shooter style part....all 4 have to dock with capital ship which is under attack from opposing faction capital ship, simple tube shooter like most space based combat at the moment...if one fails to arrive, others have to wait until all members have docked.


all 4 players have to get to hangar bay to mount up in a provided fp ship (to avoid the "lets go in MY ship") scenario.

standard fp type scenario where you have trash and one small sub boss to clear as you go to hangar bay.

once all mounted in fp ship, tank pilots the ship, ship scales to tanks hp, gear setup. 2 x dps use cannons/lasers etc, these scale to dps gear, healer becomes engineer in engine bay, has to perform engineering tasks to heal ship.


leave hangar bay.


part 2 - space combat


upon leaving hangar bay, you have options to approach capital ships in the surrounding space battle. which you take first and how you go about it is completely optional and free choice.

trash ships are hanging around the capital ships which are either optional, or in some cases have to be cleared to achieve a part of boss fight.

still working on each individual ships fights but im thinking along the lines of having to start from nose and work to bridge area. when bridge area is *destroyed" the capital ship boss is complete, and you can move to next one.

loot could be a mix of ship upgrades for personal ships, and gear for characters.

im thinking of mechanics like calling in a "wing" attack perhaps once every 3 minutes....ie you radio for back up and have a strafing run with npc ships in your wing with you co ordinating it.


like all things, it simply an idea....thought/additions/subtractions welcome

Edited by Vootu
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