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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Few ideas for warzones (low-gravity moon, blizzard on Hoth, lower Nar Shadda)


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In SWTOR I just PvP and play alts for story. Raids are boring, PvE dailys too, so I was thinking a little about new warzones. I'm a little bored playing only 4, so I decided to use my imagination and think about something new:





I have a little idea of a warzone in some moon-looking open area (with some base there). There will be a low-gravity (you can jump higher, but you are slower) that could change a little the overall gameplay (different feeling of the action). Something similar to Polis Massa: http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/6/65/Polis_massa.JPG Ofc all players have to wear breath mask (automatic cosmetic change).


Objective? Well, that can be everything, (e.g. plant explosives on 4 towers to lower the shield, infiltrate the base and plant the bomb in the main reactor), or team deathmach or whatever. The idea is: moon-looking place with low-gravity.





Imagine warzone in open space on Hoth, but during big blizzard. There could be one base burried in mountain and some big open area where you only see whats 10 meters ahead of you. Whistling snow, strong wind and quiet music with some interesting story.


Objective? One team holds the base, the other one crashed near that place. To survive, they have to hide inside that base - pure team deathmach with securing next areas.



Lower Nar Shadda


Do you know Coruscant Underworld from Star Wars EU? http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Coruscant_Underworld

Well, that could be a warzone on Nar Shadda with dark locations, small abandoned buildings and empty old streets. All current warzones have open areas, even my prievous ideas, but here we could have a series of small fights in a warzone of that kind of small rooms and narrow streets.


Objective? One strike team recovered an ancient holocron from the depths of Nar Shadda. Now, they have to go out. One problem: Empire/Republic. They have to stop them from getting ouf of that place. That team with datacron need to run to the area where ship can take them off that world.



What do you think about it?


(And sorry for my english, it's not my native language.)

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