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S.O.S wtor


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Ok the main reason I'm posting this is because there so many doom and gloom post of the forum SwToR going down could end up a self fulfilling prophecy


I'm an experienced MMO player mainly WoW but also GW and Aion. I've also pre-paid for GW2 and enjoyed the weekend beta last week, although that also had its problems.


For me if Bioware implement the following features ASAP they can save this game from going down the pan:


1. Server merges or free server transfers. Get rid of the deadwood and get the servers populated again. A thriving MMO needs this and will increase the community on the server


2. LFG. If point 1 is not in place then LFG should be across servers otherwise if server populations are high keep LFG to server only, either way it needs to be in


3. End game, end game, end game. My favourite raiding experience was in the Ice Crown Citadel (Wow). If there was something similar in Swtor, such as a huge spire that needed to be in infiltrated. As Blizzard this with Ice Crown different wings could be opened up over time allowing the raid to progress up the spire downing bosses until the final climatic boss at the end


4. PvP - I've not done much PvP in Swtor but have seen many players grumbling about it on the forums. Anyone who has an in-depth knowledge of PvP in Swtor feel free to contribute


I honestly believe if Bioware focus on the above then we would have a first class MMO on our hands. If not then its a chance lost. The foundation of this game are crying out for this to be good, Star Wars, Light Sabers, Great levelling experience. Bioware you cannot F**K this license up!


Feel free to comment but please


1) No SWTOR blinkered fanboys who are in denial and think everything is rosey with your head in the sand answers


2) No MMO fanboys who want this game to fail regardless of what Bio do


I've had enough of 1 and 2 on these forums already :)



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Hi everyone,


As we already have several threads for discussion of the various aspects of this topic, we're closing this thread in the interest of consolidating discussions. We encourage you to join the existing discussions about this topic in the following threads:


When will there be a SERVER MERGE?

FREE Character Transfers are Coming!

Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


Additionally, please do not create threads which criticize the community or attempt to invite flames. These are not constructive and disruptive civil and respectful discussion.



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