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Sith Empire effectively won the war?


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In most wars, conventional & otherwise, when you sack, take over, & utterly humiliate the enemy's capital through subjugation.....yea you've won.


So was the Sacking of Coruscant just a battle? Or was it the end of whatever you wanna call that war....

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In most wars, conventional & otherwise, when you sack, take over, & utterly humiliate the enemy's capital through subjugation.....yea you've won.


In this case the sacking of Courscant was just a method to make the Republic come to the barging table. They knew full well they'd never be able to hold it. The only thing they wanted was to get concessions out of the Republic if they turned it back over again.


The Sith Empire gained a fairly large chunk of the Galaxy by giving Courscant back, but again that was the whole point of doing it, because they knew going into it that they'd never be able to keep it.


The book Fatal Alliance goes into quite a lot of details about what happened then and why the Empire did it.

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