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Feeling things out (Fate's Kindness)


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I'm fishing for interest.


I was determined to finish Fate's Kindness (a fan fic that I started about two years ago now) before the official launch date. However, when I found out that the old forums had been wiped, well, I was a bit demotivated to finish the story.


I have most of the story saved on my hard drive, but I made quite a few edits to the final product once posted to the forums, so at best I have the rough drafts of the chapters that I posted here.


If anyone is interested, I could still finish the story before the 20th (there isn't much left to write, and I've already finished most of the final chapters anyway) if I put my mind to it. The question is, is it worth it?


Part of me says to just do it, since I have never finished a story this long before.


Part of me says to forget about it, it's not worth the effort.


Is there anyone who would like to see what happens to Jon?

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I have some good news. I copied your story to my computer before the wipe. :D I was going to read it in my spare time. Would you like me to post it to you here or send it to you in a pm?


I would like for you to continue your marvelous story. I am a fan of Jon's and your more then average writing style. You can still beat your deadline. ;)

Edited by JaceV
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I'm fishing for interest.




Part of me says to just do it, since I have never finished a story this long before.


Part of me says to forget about it, it's not worth the effort.


Is there anyone who would like to see what happens to Jon?


I think you'll definitely find the interest you're fishing for. Gotta bust that barrier and keep moving, man. It might take years to finish the thing, and then you move on to other projects that face the same issues - assuming that's your passion :)

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  • 2 months later...
Well i'm a fool, completely missed this thread. Please, please finish fate's kindness i've been reading it from the first chapter back in 2009 and i've adored every last word. You've crafted a beautiful story, give it the ending it deserves!
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