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A question about Legacy with server transfers

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So my question is this. What happens to my legacy once i server transfer the character that bears the legacy?


First off let me say this. i have 3 50's and several mid 20-30's so my legacy is getting pretty high level. i would hate to lose all that work once i transfer servers.


My server population is super low and i would like to transfer my whole server. IE my entire legacy in one fell swoop so i can keep my legacy intact.


Anyways just a question i had for the dev team. If anyone knows the answer it would be great i can't find it anywhere.

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I was wondering something on a similar vein.



Say I had three level 50s, and that I had unlocked a multitude of the paid-for legacy ship items. My server comes up for transfers, and I decide that I want to transfer one 50 to server A, another to server B, and leave one where it is.


Would I then have my current legacy level on all three servers? Would the unlocks remain with all characters?

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I'm very certain Bioware has already looked into this. Everything will be the same on server transfer most likely it may ask you to rename your Legacy in the event someone has your same Legacy name.


What I'm wondering if the FREE character transfers coming in a month going to be just a single character or if we will have the option of transferring all your characters together.

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