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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP fresh 50 best comm investment


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Hey all,


I am about to hit 50 on a Vanguard I rerolled on another server prior to 1.2 due to pop issues and being on the emp heavy side. That said I have pretty much pvp'd to 50 I have 2000 wz comms, 1000 merc, 1600 rated wz. I am looking into the best investment to gear up the quickest.


For the spec I would like to be able to play all any of them but will probably play Assualt or a variation of it. Given that I am thinking of getting the BM Elim rifle first. From there I am sure what the best route to go with the rest of my comms.


What do you guys thinking?


Thanks for any advice or input.

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Since expertise is the main stat, and it's the same on all pieces, you want to maximize the quantity of pieces you can buy.


Use your rated comms for items that don't involve a trade in.


A gun/offhand is probably a good investment too, since they have a higher than normal influence on your damage output.

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I would recommend getting the BM rifle (which one depends on your spec) and the off-hand. Save your ranked WZ's to start getting gear or implants/ear, And then just choose the pieces with most expertise on them to get as much expertise as you can and ditch the recruit gear as fast as you can.
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