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Sugested Rotation

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So I am only 23 on my Commando. I am Gunnery (probably a mistake). Anyway, I am doing WZ, some go good some very bad. I am wondering about what rotation of skills I should be using. I find that my instant does good damage, but drains power. Other abilities take awhile to go off and can be interrupted. Just trying to find out a good way to do dps and manage my power effectively.
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So I am only 23 on my Commando. I am Gunnery (probably a mistake). Anyway, I am doing WZ, some go good some very bad. I am wondering about what rotation of skills I should be using. I find that my instant does good damage, but drains power. Other abilities take awhile to go off and can be interrupted. Just trying to find out a good way to do dps and manage my power effectively.

You don't have a lot at 23. Grav round when you have full ammo regen. hammer shot otherwise. If target is <20% go for SG, HiB, SS

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