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BW please explain how a Commando should beat a Marauder/Juggernaut


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@Kushtaka You really shouldn't base all troopers effectiveness on their ability to kill the protagonists of a story.


@the OP. No clue. I'm still in the pre-50 warzones and missing pvp tools.


How about their ability to hit anything, period?


They couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, and since 1.2 I'm almost feeling the same way.

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Bro, have you not seen the Star Wars movies? Look at how bad/stupid stormtroopers were; that's the Commando/Vanguard whether you want to accept it or not. Like 5 of them couldn't even kill ******** Luke when he was trapped on that ledge. Or how about when they found Princess Leah on that ship, she capped one and the blast didn't even hit him yet he fell over. All troopers were good for was jackin' Jawas and jumping Jedi's when they had their backs turned. Troopers are supposed to be bad according to the LORE damnit. That's why, until subs run out, you need to abandon your Commando and play a Sentinel. Easy fix.


Lol i'm a commando class and even I find this funny

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So many bads play this game. Its so easy to handle marauders. I'll share my pro knowledge with the class just so we can put an end to all these threads.


First you need to make sure you have your r@pe whistle equipped. Next, and this is important, you need to curl up into a tight ball, but not so tight you can't blow your r@pe whistle. Typically, I like to use my free hand to cover my balls, but if you're a pretty boy, you can use it to protect your face. The third step is key, you need to blow the r@pe whistle as soon as you see the marauder. If you wait too long, the marauder may get penetration before help can get there. And this brings me to the fourth step, always pre-lube before entering war zones. This is critical and is essential to make any encounter with a marauder as quick and painless for both you and the marauder as possible.


Follow these quick and easy steps and you'll find dealing with marauders is a piece of cake. Now that I've dropped this knowledge on ya'll I don't want to hear anymore complaining about marauders.



Best advice so far +1

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Only way we can win a Marauder is to outgear him tremendously, im talking about Marauder in recruit gear and you in WH gear... then we stand a better chance of killing them.


But in all honesty, i feel we're not meant to be able to win Maraduer/Jugs in 1v1. Running away yes, but not killing them. But i would appreciate more escape mechanism on Commandos in general(Both DPS and Heal spec, sometimes i wish Concussive Force talent was instead inherent in our skills, thus available to all commandos).

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augh I fought a jug the other day and they were keeping me snared indefinitely and the snares were undispellable because force-based effects are like that and the snares were cancelling out my own snares which were more difficult to apply afdsasda


It didn't help that I needed to stand still to deal real damage even as assault.

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I understand this is a troll post but I will try to help you.


With the assumption that all cooldowns are available, this is how you make the attempt.


Wait for the leap, pop Reactive Shield and Adrenaline Rush, Concussion Charge to interrupt the Master Strike/Ravage. He's now snared, Full Auto, into GR, then move. Use Sticky Grenade, Demo Round, and HiB while kiting, use Field Aid if he snares you. Eventually he'll stop chasing when leap goes off cooldown and repeat the process. No matter what you do, DO NOT FILL HIS RESOLVE BAR.


When below 30% he'll pop his cooldowns, if he goes invulnerable Immediately Cyro Grenade him, then Concussion Charge him back, and run like hell. By the time he catches up you can mop him up with the above rotation. If he goes invis you can break it with Stealth Scan, but you're probably better off using it as a chance to heal yourself.


That is how you attempt to kill a Sentinel/Marauder, more often than not you still die, but it isn't impossible. Now the above assumes a 1v1 fight, if you have friends just ask them to get the flying monkey off of you.


Nice try against idiots. In reality you die a bit faster, somewhere in the beginning of your funny story ;)

Edited by dejavy
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