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I wonder if they have thought to make this a race class yet.

Darth Maul was a Dathomirian Zakar, so the race does exist.

Another one of Count Dooku's Apprentices was a pure breed Dathomirian.

I think I would enjoy being one.

What's everyone's opinion on it?

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Its a Zabrak, the only difference is the homeworld.


Same thing with Iridonians, they are Zabrak from the world Iridionia. There is barely any difference at all except for their tattoos.


Although if I remember correctly Maul is half human and you can still barely tell the difference between him and a Zabrak made in-game.


It would be a waste of time.

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There are no Dathomirians in TOR's timeline. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Witches_of_Dathomir


However, Dathomirians seemed to be a generic term for any being born on Dathomir. Though, Human/Zabrak hybrids were regarded as the actual Dathomirian species, there were Humans, Zabraks and Rattataki born on Dathomir also considered Dathomirians.


I'd be against Dathomirian being an in-game species. My reasons are :

1) They do not belong in this era.

2) They are similar to Zabraks/Humans/Rattataki - these species are already in-game.

3) There isn't a clear definition as to what a Dathomirian is.



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