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You may be interested in hearing what Principal Lead Systems Designer Damion Schubert had to say about how deleting a character affects your Legacy unlocks in a recent Weekly Q&A:


Urtog: Say I get a Chiss to level 50, now that species is unlocked for all other classes. So if I make a Chiss on the republic side then delete the level 50 Chiss what would happen to my republic version? Or if I delete it before making another character of that species, does it become permanently unlocked even if the level 50 species is deleted?


Damion: You keep your Chiss, and you also keep the ability to create new Chiss. This ability is now permanently unlocked on that server.


We hope this sheds some light on the topic, although your specific parameters are not addressed. You might like to ask your question in our Weekly Q&A thread, where we are now taking questions for next week's Q&A blog.


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If you only have one character on a server, that has a legacy, why would you even want to delete it? You have 7 more slots for alts.


In answer the reason is because the server is very low populated and i had problems with a character there a while ago so i deleted it and made another, its only lvl 1 but i dont wish to continue on that server but I'd like to use my Legacy name on another :)

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