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Info regarding strategy to get BM gear starting from scratch


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Hey all


I have been away for a month or so. Just before I left I finally made it to L50. As I understand it the grind really begins to get valor and comms to get the right gear


Can someone point the way to a thread that discusses best and fastest strategies (beyond daily and weekly pvp missions from the Fleet) to get the comms and where to start and types to get for a CM trooper commmando (i know 1.2 hurt us but im gonna try to stick with it) Keep in mind I dont have much time to play -- and I would never finish the weekly pvp wz mission in 7 days lol


I cant seem to find a search function on the forums and "GEAR" sections on the sticky threads are quite generic and not detailed


Thanks in advance



Edited by Arpp
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If you have Zero PvP gear follow these steps:


1. Purchase Recruit gear.

2. Do pvp WZs.

3. Look at each piece of eliminator, work out yourself what you think the best upgrade is, then go for it. Personally, I get the weapon first.

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3. Look at each piece of eliminator, work out yourself what you think the best upgrade is, then go for it. Personally, I get the weapon first.


Eliminator? Am I missing something here, I only recently started pvp as a CM, but isn't the medic gear preferable? Maybe a mix if you plan on playing as a hybrid.


Other than that, the advice is sound, the recruit gear is a nice start and not too expensive. It was even a significant upgrade for PVE from the leveling gear I had.


Also, you can complete the weekly in one day if you're lucky (or have a good team). Maybe I misunderstood what you wrote about the weekly, the limit on the weekly is just that you can only complete it once per week.

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