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PVE KC Shadow Question

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I'm a newer Shadow Tank. I hit 50 just about 2 weeks ago now and I've done some 8 man SM Ops with the guild, but I still feel sort of squishy. At first I thought it may well be my rotation, so I referenced guides here and the Assassin forums as well as Main Tankassin to double check myself. It helped some, but on some fights (Jorg and Sorno) I feel like a punching bag and not a tank. So my last thing to check with the community are my defense stats.


HP: 18269 (unbuffed)

Damage Reduction: 39.06%

Defense Chance: 24.89%

Shield Chance (With KW active): 49.25%

Shield Absorb: 41.51%

31/0/10 spec



I feel like my Defense is low, but I dropped a little over 1% for 5%% more absorb, so I thought the trade was well worth it. Also I have a 2 piece of Survivor's gear that gives me the shield chance boost while KW is active (29.25% while un-warded). I just wanted some critique on stats to move around, or if I'm over-stacking (maybe shield chance) and need to lower it in favor of something. My only issue is finding mods I actually like through all the accuracy stacking that seems to infest every ounce of PvE gear at end game.


I appreciate any help you can give me, and thanks in advance.

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I'm a newer Shadow Tank. I hit 50 just about 2 weeks ago now and I've done some 8 man SM Ops with the guild, but I still feel sort of squishy. At first I thought it may well be my rotation, so I referenced guides here and the Assassin forums as well as Main Tankassin to double check myself. It helped some, but on some fights (Jorg and Sorno) I feel like a punching bag and not a tank. So my last thing to check with the community are my defense stats.


HP: 18269 (unbuffed)

Damage Reduction: 39.06%

Defense Chance: 24.89%

Shield Chance (With KW active): 49.25%

Shield Absorb: 41.51%

31/0/10 spec



I feel like my Defense is low, but I dropped a little over 1% for 5%% more absorb, so I thought the trade was well worth it. Also I have a 2 piece of Survivor's gear that gives me the shield chance boost while KW is active (29.25% while un-warded). I just wanted some critique on stats to move around, or if I'm over-stacking (maybe shield chance) and need to lower it in favor of something. My only issue is finding mods I actually like through all the accuracy stacking that seems to infest every ounce of PvE gear at end game.


I appreciate any help you can give me, and thanks in advance.


Forgive me if I missed it, but what are you wearing now?

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Columni boots and head, and modables with a crafted belt/bracers. And the same lightsaber I've had since I became a shadow. I've been really unlucky in drops. Most of it has the daily armorings/mods. Really the best gear I own is my chest with is augmented with an End/WP augment that's level 49 purple.
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Your stats are perfectly k for the gear you carry...


...You need to know that against power attacks that also do internal/elemental damage you are no better tank than any1 else on your OP.


That's precissely the case against Jarg but...


...You have Resilience (Use it each time Jarg pulls some1 close... Immeadiatly after he will do a flame wave attack) and...


...You can reserve harnessed shadow for the 2 (or 3 on nightmare) high hits that start when he does a Rocket Punch on you (It has the same animation as the Bounty Hunter power). That way you will patch up partially the spike of damage that can kill easily other tanks...


...Believe me, if you feel "squeeshy" against powers that do internal/elemental, just think that you are the best at dealing with them IF you adapt the 2 above behaviours to any fight you are in (I advice you to store a bunch of combat logs so you can evaluate how much damage and from which type you receive on each fight... That will help you fine tune your active defenses).

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Appreciate it. Next time I'll keep some log info and see what's going on. Maybe I can see what's actually punching my number so hard. It could be the rocket punch, or even the flames, but I've got a bad feeling it's that unload ability that the other guy does. Mostly because it's eating my shield charges too fast. But I'll see this week. Thanks so much for the info.
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the best thing i can tell you do do is get augmented gear as a Shadow or an Assassin your 4set bonus is well to put it nicely crap its only an extra 2% so lets say if you are getting hit for 100 that means you will get hit for 98 instead you already have 21% so you are fine with out it as for the 2 piece its is really really good in till you hit over 50% shield with out it with it it would be 55% then get ride of your 2 set as well and get augmented gear put all defense in your augments


the easiest way to do this is my getting to rank 60 in valor and having some 1 make you or make it yourself the battle master orange gear


if you don't believe me ill tell you my stats i just got done doing an ops for my guild so i am buffed keep that in mind


24221 HP

40.97% Dmg Reduction

28.75% Defense

52.90% Shield

43.48% Absorption


Keep in mind that you can use relics to up your shield rate and your defense but share a cool down also the shield over charger is awesome


with my defense relic i got 35.20% defense

and shield over charger has 62.03% Absorption

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...You need to know that against power attacks that also do internal/elemental damage you are no better tank than any1 else on your OP.



I don't think this is right. As a Shadow tank I sit at about 20% internal/elemental resistance without cooldowns. I don't think any of the other tanks have a value that high.

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I don't think this is right. As a Shadow tank I sit at about 20% internal/elemental resistance without cooldowns. I don't think any of the other tanks have a value that high.


Put your consular buff on any other tank and you will see the advantage you have is 2%, assuming you have the 4 set piece bonus which the OP lacks...


...The only thing that really allow us to tank better internal/elemental powers is our excellent active defense (Resilience) and, ofc, self healing.

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the best thing i can tell you do do is get augmented gear as a Shadow or an Assassin your 4set bonus is well to put it nicely crap its only an extra 2%


I noticed the 4 piece set bonus and wasn't impressed. I have an augmented chest, belt and bracers crafted. I wont worry about the legs mostly because they're pants and I'll take a 18 end hit for not wearing a skirt (hate the shadow skirts but love the Assassin ones). My Guardian finished Hard mode KP this week and no one needed the random Shadow tank armoring/mod/enhancement we got, so they threw it at me to ship to my shadow and once I packed him up I felt tons more survivable. Specifically I was able to do Taral V with a group and when everyone else wiped (low DPS for new players put us in enrage) I was able to solo the last 15%. It was gratifying.


Although on him I did notice my shield chargers were being eaten quick if I wasn't on the ball with interrupting rapid fire. So I think my original issue stems from all those hits just chewing off my charges so fast I'm stripped of my defensive abilities. I'll keep a better eye next week in SM KP, but for now the information in this thread has been very helpful. Sometimes all you need is to know you have it 98% right so you can fix that last little bit.

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