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DEVS: Please review 2pc bonus & Black Hole gear


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Hi all!


I'm one of those persistent types who is playing a BH merc healer, and loving it. I do, however, find it very challenging to achieve a few things from a gearing perspective... and have wound up spending rather a lot of credits and time "reconfiguring" the gear which bioware has designed for our class.


Issue #1: The 2pc PvE bonus

(2) Increases the duration of Supercharged Gas and Supercharge Cells by 3 seconds.

Since patch 1.2, Supercharged Gas is now a part of our healing rotation, rather than a button you hit when things are going badly and you need to spam out a series of heals.

This is basically because our capacity to spam heals has been roughly halved (when viewed from a resource sustainability standpoint).


The problem which arises is that increasing the time in which we cannot generate Combat Support Cylinder charges towards our next Supercharged Gas is actively detrimental to our healing overall.


For this reason, I would like to see a revision of this 2pc bonus, as it is too difficult mid-fight to click off the buff to end the duration, which has forced me into 4pc PVP battlemaster gear to get rid of this effect.


It seems odd to me that I should find my healing in PvE improved by intentionally not using gear designed for PvE.

Issue #2: The Slot-binding of Black Hole armourings

Why would you bind armourings to a particular armour slot, when there is no set bonus on the armouring?


This seems minor, but due to the way I prioritise stats for healing... I am obliged to spend 600 black hole commendations to achieve end-game raiding gear at item level 61.


I appreciate that I have personally made the choice to prioritise power & surge over crit & alacrity, and that I should bear the consequences for this decision... but the outcome is that I now have to purchase 7 sets of Black Hole Med-tech's MK-1 Boots for the mods/enhancements, and then chase it all down with a helm, chest, gloves and pants for the armourings alone.

(Note: A full set of Campaign gear would be a downgrade to what I'm trying to obtain)


My understanding of Black Hole gear was that it gave people the option of customising their items to suit their stat preferences, where rakata and campaign are designed specfically with the dev's view of the class in mind. The locking of these armourings has made that particularly challenging... and I'm looking at taking a minimum of 15 weeks of weekly missions, Denova clears and Nightmare Mode operations every night to earn the 600 commendations necessary.


If it's intentional... it's certainly frustrating.


Does anybody else feel thwarted by our PvE gear design?

Edited by Slipt
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I agree with the 2 slot bonus, supercharge gas is no longer that useful for the ability to spam heals- which is OK. However, since we cannot gain charges while we are currently under the effect of supercharge gas, the +3 seconds is basically worthless. I normally pop supercharge gas, get off a healing scan, and immediately remove supercharge gas so i can start charging up again. The 4 piece set bonus from PVP is basically better than the 4 piece PVE as the game currently stands.


Now if we could generate charges while under the effects of supercharge gas, that would be neat, though i would not expect that to happen.

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I doubt that will happen also, it's a little overpowered without a long cooldown on SCG to compensate for it.

That's why my suggestion is to alter the 2pc bonus.


I'm currently making do with the pvp 2pc bonus (+3sec on energy shield), so I don't particularly care what it gets changed to, but if anybody has any ideas I'd love to read them.

I just don't see a 2pc bonus which is marginally useful at best and actively detrimental at worst as good design.

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