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Andronikos Romance (bug?)


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OK, so prior to reading about the issues with Catboy , I'd chosen a flirt option with Andronikos because it was amusing.


Presumably that started up his romance thing, because since then he propositioned me. I told him to sod off twice, he said (paraphrasing) "Never mind, guess I misread you. I'm off to fix the ship's engines then" and nothing happened.


There was an intervening non-romance cutscene where he went off to help his friend.


Then he went into another (presumably) romance conversation where he's asked me out for a drink, I knock him back again (twice), and he comes back with "I wasn't out of my place the other night was I? How many times do we get to just relax and show each other off?"


What gives?


A Bug? Or is Andronikos enough of a borderline sexual predator that he re-imagines the past?


Anyone else had this issue?


I am absolutely not interested in any romance options on that toon. I've been playing her as a sadist (i.e. the only light points she has are from refusing to accept bribes that would allow people to escape punishment). Hence the only purpose for flirtation would be to crush their aspirations once they'd got their hopes up. Khem would be much more her speed anyway, their hobbies are virtually identical. The only way my heart is going to warm to Andronikos is if I set him on fire.


Am I now stuck being unable to talk to Andronikos any further?

Edited by Lakhesis
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