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My Smuggler Background


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So, I was working on my smuggler's bio, trying to write him a background that was consistent with the setting of the game and his abilities (he's a scoundrel, sawbones). I know something in the class story quests will probably contradict what I wrote, but I'm hoping BioWare will be vague about the smuggler's past.


I think I managed to write something somewhat decent, but I'd like to have other people's input to see if I contradicted the lore or what we know about the class so far and try to get rid of those inconsistencies.



All right, so you want to hear my story? Let me tell you over a round of Jawa juice then.


28 years ago my father, a starship mechanic, met my mother, Captain of the Republic Capital Ship “Defiance”, at the aftermath of the Battle of Bothawui. While Jedi Master Allusis was making his last stand, my father, who happened to be in the system on business when all hell broke loose, was trying to come up with a way to leave the planet with his ship and 23 others, all carrying refugees. After sending a couple of distress signals, he finally received an answer from the “Defiance”. It was struggling, alongside a small Republic fleet, to make the second Sith Armada retreat.


They set the time for the refugees’ escape to happen when the Republic battleships would fully engage the Sith, preventing the ships leaving the orbit of Bothawui from being hunted down. The plan worked, but my father’s ship, a XS Light Freighter named “Corellian Eagle”, was hit and had to take cover inside the “Defiance” hangar. There he helped the engineering crew until the Sith retreated, fell in love with my mother and 3 years later the fastest blaster in the galaxy (me) was born.


My mother wasn’t around much while I grew up. The war occupied most of her time. So I spent my early days with dad on Corellia, my home planet, helping him with his work and learning from him everything I could about starship engineering (the old man knew more than any astromech droid). But all that changed when we heard the most dreadful piece of news dad had ever received – the “Defiance” was destroyed while aiding the Jedi fleet trying to break a Mandalorian Blockade and my mother was dead.


After this, my father couldn’t stay on Corellia, sitting still. He was bent on doing whatever he could to help the war effort. He sold everything we had and we took off on the “Eagle”. I was only 8 years old when we helped the smuggler convoy break that Mandalorian Blockade.


I felt my mother was avenged that day, but for my dad it wasn’t enough. We spent the next 6 years doing missions for the Republic Army, evacuating refugees or smuggling kolto and weapons past Sith planetary blockades to the republic troops. I learned how to use a blaster and pilot a starship better than anyone. It seemed all our money went in improving the ol’ “Corellian Eagle”, until she was the fastest and most nimble ship there is.


When I was 14 I joined the Academy of the Republic Army, on my way to become a combat medic. Dad was glad I was following mom’s footsteps and beginning a military career. The next year the Treaty of Coruscant was signed. My father was disheartened. “The Republic betrayed us”, he kept saying. “You mother died for them and this is how they honor her, by making peace with that wretched empire.”


I stayed at the Academy on Coruscant a couple more years, but one day my father called for my help. His homing beacon had been activated and my datapad started flashing. I knew he was in danger. So I stole one of the Academy’s starships and set out to find him. The signal led me to a Sith Destroyer, which I managed to infiltrate. I found him in a cell, tortured and killed – those bastards hadn’t even bothered with removing his body from there. I managed to escape with the “Eagle”, but not before setting charges to blow up that damn Sith ship.


And this is it. Of course I was expelled from the Academy for stealing (and destroying) their ship. Since then I contacted my father’s smuggler friends to find jobs and started on the smuggling trade myself. And I found out I’m good – no, scratch that – I’m excellent at what I do. I’m probably the best smuggler around since Hylo Visz. My whole life prepared me to this. So trust me when I say it won’t be long ‘till I amass vast riches and fame.


Now, do you want me to take those weapons to Ord Mantell or not?!

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