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Problems with Stuns, tips to Tenacity


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I have a doubt about when use Tenacity in a clever way, sometimes i just panic and use it, then i'm ****ed cuz is the only CC counter we have, so...


When use Tenacity ?



Normally i used it only with full resolve, or when someone is capping etc. But in the lasts wz's i played i'm dying a lot, specially when stunned or trying to escape slowed down.



Any tips ?

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Know the classes you're fighting. Use it once they've expended their last stun.


In Huttball if you're running the ball it is mandatory that you save it for either when stunned over a firepit or during the final stretch to the goal-line.

Edited by Arzoo
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i rarely use it to be honest. when someone near me is close to death and i can dps them down if i break out, or if i can break out of a mezz and stop someone in the middle of capping something.


i can tell you a time you definitely do NOT want to use it is if you're defending and you get stunned from someone who's in stealth. if you break it, they'll stun you then run in and cap

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Usage of Tenacity is even more selective now due to the Imba dmg in pvp. This is from a viewpoint of a CM.


1. If you're getting hit by 2 or more dps(especially Marauder/Sniper/Op), they stun you, no point using Tenacity, as you'll be dead after you break CC. Even if your heals is extremely needed for allies, dont use Tenacity, at most you manage a single MP that is outdps by their Imba dmg. Better to save Tenacity for after you respawn.


2. Dps mez you, you have noone to heal, i dont bother using Tenacity, either wait for him to be stupid to break mez or wait for him to wait for mez to finish, either ways, you're stalling him. If he runs, then 50/50, your choice, i usually save it. If you have someone to heal, then break CC, fake cast followed by real Heal.


3. Depending on WZ, i usually use up Tenacity early, as they stack CCs on you, your resolve will serve as Tenacity itself. Except for Huttball, where i always save it for Firepits or last few meters.


PvP dps is too imbalanced we do not have much freedom to play around with Tenacity compared to pre 1.2.

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My perspective as CM


Huttball - pretty much as other have mentioned

For other situations( not clustered ) ie Alderaan & Novarre, tend to observe what class and exactly who is attacking me. At this point I am very familiar with most who can hurt me badly and rest i don't consider as significant threats. Many times I will eat their stuns.


I'm especially vary of the top level Operative DPS players, only a few around but I will generally immediately break and punt / stun them or pop defensive if allies fighting close-by. If I am solo guarding a node, I would position myself away from vicinity of node and observe what ANY Operatives do after they stun me. They will have walk time to the turret, Ideally want to eat that initial stun and save tenacity for further stun. I also tend to use tenacity to break out from Infiltration Shadows although their stun sequence is less forgiving on us compared to Operatives. One class I have major trouble with regarding tenacity are Juggernaut that spec into multiple cc ... have not figured that one out yet.


Some games i get mezzed over and over, for this I will observe my teammates situations / numbers on the objective.

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