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Vote for playable SIS!


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I've been playing through some of the storyline for the IA and I'm really enjoying it so far. I haven't gotten far yet, so please keep any major spoilers to tags. I have been enjoying the whole, "secret spy that hates the Sith," perspective, but I'd love to see it from the Republic side. An agent talking about yet another Senator making their life difficult or how the Jedi council seems to be all talk and no show would be a nice change. ;) I know from my other Pub toons that life isn't so shiny and bright. I've leveled to 50 on my SW, and I've seen the intrigue on the Imperial side. Anyone else want to see a SIS playable agent? Make them sort of a counter agent to the IA storyline maybe?
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My Trooper was ready to quit Havoc Squad and join the SIS when she met Jonas Balkar. *swoon*


Although it would be fun to play as an SIS Agent, it probably won't happen for a long long long time (if at all), because it would be too similar to the Imperial Agent's story, and BW seems to want to keep all their stories somewhat different.

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I see a few problems with this:


* The SIS is a gaggle of bumbling idiots.


* The SIS miserably fails in every operation it has ever tried, except the ones on Coruscant where you do all the actual work.


* The SIS (Nar Shaddaa bonus series: )

gets its rear end handed to it so badly that the only survivors are scarred into near-psychosis,

designs the most horrific injustice incubator in Republic history in the form of the Belsavis prison operation, (Jedi Coruscant quest: )

fails to track the plans for a superweapon in its own capital city,

nearly fails to protect a critical Czerka informant on Tatooine, (Agent Voss quest: )

totally fails to protect a critical Nightmare Lands informant on Voss.

, and (Agent Act 2: )

succeeds in bungling the handling of a man/woman WITH A FULL OVERRIDE CONTROL CODE IN HIS/HER BRAIN.



As the Imperial military struggles while Intelligence is awesome, the SIS struggles while the Republic military is awesome. I prefer to play the awesome sides.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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