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Retirement party thoughts


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Alright all, looking for a way to go out in style. My merc has 21 days left to live. Any thoughts?


I've already got my epitaph ready:

Here resides the inactive account of a once fun toon to play. He couldn't take the humiliation of firing q-tips from his wrist and back any longer.


The obituary will continue the remainder of his confusion towards the end of his liffe.

He was very reluctant to change from his underwhelming spec of arsenal merc into the pyrotech tree, but he reluctantly did so he could remain competitive. He still couldn't kill a healer one on one, and melted almost instantly once anyone with a lightsaber decided it was his time to die. And he continued to struggle with the concept that his counterpart class could spec largely into the same damage tree of pyrotech,and yet they were able to do significantly more damage with the same skills. Did he not use the right fuel that his powertech friend did? Why did his world have to change so? Was he too fun to play that he needed to be made into a underpowered version of his former self? Why bioware devs, why?!?!?!?! The horror, the pain, the agony...



Seriously though. I've really tried to stay loyal and tell myself it'll be alright. But I can't do it any more. I originally was going to play/roll a sage/sorcerer, but fell in love with the play style of the trooper/BH during my beta time. My friends all wanted to play empire, and so began my life as a arsenal BH. I liked the rotation and wanted to be ranged dps. And heck I even thought the powertech tree would be the tree with lower overall dps, since they would have the ability to spec into a tanking tree. Sadly I've grown less and less excited to play my class and I haven't gotten any hint from bioware that they see these changes as anything that will be addressed/fixed in the future. I have zero problem with my BH staying at the same level, but that means they need to bring in every other dps class to our level (well maybe except for the concealment ops). And we all know that is not going to be happening anytime soon. So I've chosen to let my money do my talking. Fix my class and I might come back, but until then I will be known as an inactive account and a lost subscriber. I hope many of you choose a similar route if you aren't enjoying the game anymore.


And for those of you who love to flame about the class not being broken and needing to learn to play, bite it. (And realize a powertech BH is worlds different than a arsenal BH). I know how to play my class and can still be competitive with him. The problem is that a poorly geared powertech pyrotech can do just as much or more damage in a warzone as I do in full BM and a few warhero pieces. Additionally, my sorc with a mix of BM, champion, and centurion pieces can easily do 250k damage and 100k healing without breaking much oof a sweat. Oh, and he can actually kill another class 1v1 on a consistent bases instead of my merc pyrotech having to hope and pray that my dots, thermal detonator, and rail shot all crit. And even then I'm likely dead because it's taken my 8-10 seconds to get all of those out with an unload and me having to fight through all the stuns.


Peace out.


PS - if anyone at bioware involved in class design is reading this, I'd highly suggest you all addressing the current state of where the classes are at in your official opinion, instead of all the speculation that continues to swirl around.

Edited by DrSandman
title fix
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