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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Spike the ball in Huttball?


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I would have looked for options to carry but I need more inco. CCs? What enemies are around? Is my CC breaker up? Is it worth the risk? 4-0 it's ok to take chances.


With that said, I wouldn't see an issue with spiking it either. Nothing is wrong with a safe play.

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Rank 71 Tankassin.


I got the ball after killing the opposing team's ball carrier near our end-zone in the pit. We did not have control of mid and were already losing 4-0. I had allies near me but no heals. I was at half health and have personally learned not to try to carry the ball out of my own pit under most circumstances due to being pulled into fire for an easy score. I also do this to enemy teams all the time so I know how easy it is to do.


So I spiked the ball on the odd chance that the guy at mid might get possession if he was paying attention, but also knowing he probably wouldn't.


I could have walked the ball forward or passed it to one of my comrades at full health, but no one was far enough forward from me to avoid the pull-kill. Yes, I may have been too cautious


My question is: What would you have done in these circumstances and do you think it is reasonable to call me names and swear at me in response to my spiking the ball? If I was alone, no question I should spike it. If I had pass targets ahead of me I should pass it. But with just dps support right around me I really don't know.


EDIT: Also, does anyone happen to know if Force Shroud negates Grapple? I suppose I could Shroud + Force Speed to get away from pull range if so in the future.


Nah man, you made the right call. If you are already loosing 4-0 as you said, even if you tried to make a run for it, good chance you wouldn't make it (Not doubting your abilities but if you don't have a good team support, I doubt you'd had made it..)


I've done the same thing, especially if we get it at our endzone, I throw it at a far corner and call out "reset". This normally lets my team know that the ball will reset and that anyone at mid should try to get it. Plus this way, if they do get it, they have a few of our team waiting for them at the endzone and corresponding catwalks.


This also makes it more of a sound ability in PUG groups because you don't know how these team mates are going to respond. For all you know, you could have passed it and the guy ran right back to your endzone to get killed so the enemy can score ( I've had that happen before and I was pretty upset). The name calling is never needed. People do not learn and will want to pvp less if they are going to be verbally harassed when ever they queue.


The worst I do is say " (insert name here) I was at your upper right for a pass" and if they go sorry didn't see you, I'll just respond with a no worries. Most of the time, people appreciate civility in a pvp match and they play better as the match goes on.

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