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Still Confused : Crit/Surge vs Power


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I really wish people would stop repeating the 98% accuracy number. Now that we have damage logs and test dummies, we know that number is wrong. Whether it's always been wrong, or whether something changed in 1.2 at the same time as they added the logs and dummies, is (I think) unknown.


The correct number is 100%, because raid bosses have 10% (not 8% as previously thought) resistance/dodge/whatever.


This isn't something people should be arguing about, because it's very easy to go wail on the Mark V training dummy and then upload your log to one of the bazillion parsers that are available. If you have 100% accuracy, you will see misses from Strike and from your attacks that use the offhand weapon (since offhand weapon accuracy is much lower than your total accuracy), but you will not see any misses from any of your other powers. If you then do the same thing with 98% accuracy, you will see misses from attacks that just use the mainhand.


funny how you say that then none of the boss dummys can be missed right now and event he devs have commented on that bug...

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I am specced into master focus already but wondering if I should pick up insight at the expense of steadfast or if it is better to skip the accuracy mod and add more surge or crit from BH.



(NOTE: the following only applies to Watchman spec Sentinels)


With the new Tier 2 (lvl 61) gear, you're wasting skill points if you do that. Spend those 2 points on Master Focus or Insight for more DPS. You get 10 pieces of gear that make you choose between 57 accuracy or 57 surge, so you get a total of 570 points to split between the two. Splitting it evenly between the two is ideal, as 285 rating will give you 99.89% melee accuracy and 75.82% critical multiplier (with the 1% companion bonus for each). The crit multiplier increase from surge rating caps at +30% with diminishing returns the whole way, so the benefit falls off significantly if you're near 300 surge rating.


As for crit rating, you don't need more than around 150 with the new Tier 2 gear. For reference, with this gear and a Rakata Might Stim, I do over 1700 DPS on the Operations Training Target MK-5, without using adrenals or Inspiration: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/487bb168-3c21-442c-a126-5b84a5da26f9

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