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New to SWTOR PVP. Advice Please.


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I'm a long time PVE player, but as my guild is almost all <50, dailies are about all I have to do at this point, and that was getting a bit boring. So, I decided to just run black hole each day and then jump into PVP to have some fun. I tend to do my research diligently before I start anything, and I did so here as well. However, no amount of research can really prepare you for experiencing things first hand, so I picked up the recruit set and dove in to my first WZ last night. I did a total of about 8-10 or so, i didn't really keep track. After awhile, I got the major hang of things, but a couple of things really struck me. Since i'm queue'ing solo, I'm thrown into a group with a lot of random people. At the match start, everyone just goes running off into the sunset to do their thing, leaving me with no idea whats going on. The map instructions are pretty vague, but thankfully, I already knew what to expect because I had read up on it. But the chaos is what was remarkable. People in the random groups seem solely focused on killing and completely blind to objectives. In voidstar, for instance, a huge melee is going on in front of both doors. As a DPS merc I was trying to keep the enemy off the back of my team mates so they could try to set the bombs, yet the second I'd drop their assailant, they'd only find another fight instead of trying for the objective. If I tried for the objective, I'd get cut down with no support. Is this normal? I'd like to get better at PVP, but out of 8-10 or so matches I managed to be on the wilnning side only once, due to this kind of thing. What do you guys recommend?
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Welcome to PvP!! Everything you talk about is totally normal. There is no teamwork in random 8 man groups, unless you get lucky and get grouped with good players on your server who actually are willing to follow some directions or give some directions in order to win. And of course, no 8 man ques yet, means no 8 man teams, meaning you just have to hope you get lucky with the other 4 people on your team.


One of the most frustrating things to me is people who seemingly run around randomly and don't contribute, and then complain that we're losing. I actually had one person respond, after I rebuked him for being a hypocrite, "Well I'm in the middle killing people." That doesn't do jack **** if 4 people on their team have the ball on the ramp right before the endzone!! ***!!


Anyways, my advice would be to find some people who you can group with regularly, who just run away and never look back.

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Unfortunately as a Merc your job is either dps or healing as much as possible. Other classes are more suited to completing most objectives. It reeks but often enough you'll have to depend on others. I suggest getting a good Assassin/Warrior friend ASAP. You kill or heal and support him as he does what your class ain't so good at.
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I guess that's what really got me. I THINK I know what I ought to be doing, but for all I know, I may be running around being completely useless like you're describing. But there's no communication going on at all, much less constructive feedback or advice inside the matches. If I try to ask questions, I gt told to guard something, because I'm wearing recruit and have low valor., and that must mean I don't know what I'm doing I guess. But at this rate, I'll be wearing WH and have max valor and still not know what I'm doing. Heh.
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Unfortunately as a Merc your job is either dps or healing as much as possible. Other classes are more suited to completing most objectives. It reeks but often enough you'll have to depend on others. I suggest getting a good Assassin/Warrior friend ASAP. You kill or heal and support him as he does what your class ain't so good at.


This is exactly my thoughts. I was only trying for objectives at all because no one else was doing it. I guess I thought that maybe I could pull the random group of stranger into some semblance of a team through example, but that was a big flop :)

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To be honest I think before you got good pvp gear I'd take either tank or healing spec. DPS is very squishy even with good gear. And if you don't do fantastic dps and can't stay alive you are not going to be very effective. With not so good gear damage goes up longer you stay up and you are able to influence more game too.


The pvp experience you mention can vary a lot. Since most of time both sides are random groups there is no way to tell how players will behave or which side is more professional.


It is a good thing and a bad thing. It is a bad thing when own side is losing because people don't play together. But remember it works other way around too. Other side makes mistakes too and doesn't play together. Naturally good and experienced players will try to use this at their advantage.


Personally I actually like PUGs(random groups). Each game is totally unpredictable, anything can happen.

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To be honest I think before you got good pvp gear I'd take either tank or healing spec. DPS is very squishy even with good gear. And if you don't do fantastic dps and can't stay alive you are not going to be very effective. With not so good gear damage goes up longer you stay up and you are able to influence more game too.


The pvp experience you mention can vary a lot. Since most of time both sides are random groups there is no way to tell how players will behave or which side is more professional.


It is a good thing and a bad thing. It is a bad thing when own side is losing because people don't play together. But remember it works other way around too. Other side makes mistakes too and doesn't play together. Naturally good and experienced players will try to use this at their advantage.


Personally I actually like PUGs(random groups). Each game is totally unpredictable, anything can happen.


I see what you're saying here. While arsenal mercs are indeed slightly squishy, I'm kind of a stubborn SOB and, what can I say, I really like the spec. And in all fairness, I make a decent showing of myself. I know my role and my abilities and I play them well, and even though yesterday was my first foray into WZ's, I was never at the bottom of the list. (for what that's worth). I even received 2 MVP votes, believe it or not, for holding a turret on my own despite getting my stubborn butt splattered all over it time and again. Besides, if MMO's have taught me anything, it's that the nerf cycle will turn again and one day I won't be so squishy, and if I can handle it ok now, I'll be unstoppable then, right? :D


As far as your point about the good side of pugs, that's certainly a view I hadn't considered. Hopefully, soon some guildies will be up to 50, and it'll be a moot point, because I have to say, I've really enjoyed it so far.

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Unfortunately as a Merc your job is either dps or healing as much as possible. Other classes are more suited to completing most objectives. It reeks but often enough you'll have to depend on others. I suggest getting a good Assassin/Warrior friend ASAP. You kill or heal and support him as he does what your class ain't so good at.


I have to disagree with this for some objectives. Mercs make pretty damn good defenders. With an 2 knockbacks on short cooldowns (assuming that its an Arsenal merc), can be really good at defending doors and such. Yes, you may still die a lot, but I can remember plenty of games where my knockbacks made a big difference.


But, other than that, you are totally right. WE can't attack for ****. Before 1.2, I used to be able to spec heals and carry the ball all by myself, now that's totally impossible.

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