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spec question PvP


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Hi, im going for anni spec, i am in the lower 30ies,

kinda exactly going for this spec




im wondering about the 3 point s in carnage to boost my

offhand dmg. wondering if its a good boost them 36% on

offhand for warzones mainly or can they wait til lait 40 and

ill go for the juicy stuff in anni instead?


already spent 5 points

in rage aswell just putted them last 2 points in brutality on hold for

awhile :p


all help needed


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I usually got everything I needed that wasn't in my tree of desire first, so I wasn't missing out on some core components when I was later down the road.


When you're 40 and wondering why other 40s are doing more damage, that 36% offhand boost could come into play. Found leveling and PVP was easier when I used those points for the % increase first.

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