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mentorship scheme


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basically what its says in the box


you can, at level 50 choose to "mentor" a new starting character.

help them quest, level up etc


theres lots of options we could add, like having a budget to help them with credits, not having an XP debuff as large as it is with connected characters.

you could make it so that rather than it being an easy shot to levelling (nuking through lvl 10 content with your tame lvl 50) there could be side quests that require some thought, and test the abilities of both char levels.



as a jedi, being able to help out a young padawan would seem like a good thing to do i guess, and of course, a sith never has enough slaves, err minions....err i mean umm.....


you can of course just do this anyway i guess, but having it linked in your legacy window perhaps, with some legacy skills added could be pretty cool

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I question your use of the word scheme.


in what way?


a scheme set up by bioware in game that will encourage it.....


the fact my sith is running through sidekicks like no ones business is irrelevant here.............

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Actually, I quite like this idea, or something like it.


Speaking of getting level 50s to help level, I've also been tempted to get someone (myself if a friend brings alevel 50, or someone else if I bring mine, when she reaches 50) to start a new charcater just to see how long it takes to run through their class story. Nothing else, just the class story. I'm kinda curious to see what level they end up at by the time they reach the end.

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Scheme. Verb:

Make plans, esp. in a devious way or with intent to do something illegal or wrong.


And City of Heroes does something similar with the Sidekicks and Malefactors system, so I'm not against the idea.

Edited by Listerman
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