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Ideas to make merc heals more enjoyable


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Does anyone else feel that merc heals are quite dull atm?


Spamming rather mediocre stand still heals isn't particularly enjoyable and half the time we can't even do that and have to just fire rapid shots.


If we have to use rapid shots so much can we have a more interesting mechanic to use them on? I'd love something like a "shield generator" that I could drop and charge up by shooting it with my rapid shots during the quieter phases of fights or while guarding objectives between attacks. If it could use these charges to automatically heal targets below 50% hp or allow the player to apply a 3 sec immunity to damage/stun breaker this would be pretty fun imo. Would let experience/good players prepare for parts of a fight they know will be difficult in their downtime.


I don't think it would be OP as it'd be easily countered (kill the generator) and you'd have to stay within 30m for it to be useful. Nor would it increase our HPS as BW seems to be against that idea to avoid making things easy. But it would be a fun tool and something unique the merc healer could offer a group and help us continue to be the burst healers we are suppose to be during difficult high single damage fights. Hell, it may even make it possible to use 2 merc healers in one group if you could charge each others generators. I haven't seen another merc healer in a really long time so it'd be nice to be able to have some synergy with other players. Finally it'd be nice to have a tool that makes me feel like an actual high tech armoured healer. All our other skills are just rather mundane.


Just my thoughts. Be interested in what other ppl think would make merc healing more emjoyable.

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How about something more subtle?

Rapid shots will refresh reactive armour and kolto residue on a target, and will refresh a single charge of kolto shell on each crit.


Something like that would make the spam feel less pointless, though in 16man it would start to get complex if you're running effects on multiple people.


Just an idea. Subtle suggestions are more likely to be implemented than major mechanics.

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